Welcome to Houston, Fawtl Capitol of the World.

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Having failed to secure enough funds to move all Fawtlies to Myrtle Beach, SC, I The Lord President, have decided that as of September of this year the Capitol shall be moved to Houston Texas.

This location was chosen not only for it's high Fawtl population, but also because that's where my wife's new job is. But regardless of the reasons, Houston you have been chosen to be the new Fawtl Capitol of the World.

Poor Houston.

Liberty's Edge

F%~@ Houston.

Liberty's Edge


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Lord President Moorluck wrote:

Having failed to secure enough funds to move all Fawtlies to Myrtle Beach, SC, I The Lord President, have decided that as of September of this year the Capitol shall be moved to Houston St, NYC.

This location was chosen not only for it's high Fawtl population, but also because that's where my wife's new job is. But regardless of the reasons, Houston you have been chosen to be the new Fawtl Capitol of the World.

Poor Houston.


Stop trying to make Houston Street happen dude, it's never going to happen.


The Exchange

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Too far above the Mason Dixon for me bro. ;)

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Scarab Sages

Heathansson wrote:
F!$~ Houston.

I was gonna say, that's a lot of f+!&ing.

Scarab Sages

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Freehold DM wrote:

Pfff...:lofts are too small for we Texans.

Las Vegas would have been a better choice.

Silver Crusade

Congrats, LPM!

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Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Pfff...:lofts are too small for we Texans.

Pfft. Who wouldn't want to spend $2700/month on a 500 square foot converted warehouse space with a kitchenette?

Secretary of Sass wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Pfff...:lofts are too small for we Texans.
Pfft. Who wouldn't want to spend $2700/month on a 500 square foot converted warehouse space with a kitchenette?

okay I may be getting my knowledge of lofts from the 90s when things were better for loft space.

But still. Lofts.

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should I ever be able to do another USA holiday, I know where I would have to go, then

The Exchange

Still 6 hours away.

Secretary of Sass wrote:
Pfft. Who wouldn't want to spend $2700/month on a 500 square foot converted warehouse space with a kitchenette?

My 1100 sq. ft. Texas-sized pad in H-Town was less than half that...

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Also, I notice that y'all wait for me to move away, THEN declare Houston the capital.


Kirth Gersen wrote:

Also, I notice that y'all wait for me to move away, THEN declare Houston the capital.


where are you now again?

Freehold DM wrote:
where are you now again?

I ended up just outside of Pittsburgh.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
where are you now again?
I ended up just outside of Pittsburgh.

You need to visit me and ch in nyc.

The Exchange

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
where are you now again?
I ended up just outside of Pittsburgh.

Where outside of the Pitt? Solnes is from Hopewell Township just south.

Moorluck wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
where are you now again?
I ended up just outside of Pittsburgh.
Where outside of the Pitt? Solnes is from Hopewell Township just south.


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This update has been brought to you by the Houston Chamber of Gamers.

Moorluck wrote:
Where outside of the Pitt?

Monroeville, one of the benighted suburbs to the east.

Moorluck wrote:
Solnes is from Hopewell Township just south.

There are like 6 Hopewell Townships in PA -- the nearest one I'm familiar with is NW of the 'Burgh, which means from here it might as well be in California! Went to a concert downtown last night -- maybe 20 miles total -- took an hour to get there. Hour and a half for the ball game last week. And there's no beltway, so the only way past the city is through it.

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
And there's no beltway, so the only way past the city is through it.

Chattanooga has this problem too. Causes a lot of backup on the highways that run through, especially going through the ridge-cut through the mountains to Georgia. The addition of a highway loop is somewhere on the massive list-of-things-to-do-related-to-traffic for the city, but I have no idea what priority it is. On that same list are about five roads in desperate need of widening, at least one of which - my main route to and from work - is over ten years behind schedule: it was supposed to be finished in 2003, but here in 2013 work on it hasn't even been started.

Feh I will remain in the cold reaches of the Canadian prairies. However I am near the Texas of the North. If you did venture north of the Mason-Dixie LPM Alberta would suit you, ranching country.

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You are all welcome to move to Sydney :-)

One of my favourite 80's TV shows was called Houston. It was about an oil millionaire who was a detective and his lawyer was the Evil chainmail bikini princess from Buck Rogers.

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

You are all welcome to move to Sydney :-)

One of my favourite 80's TV shows was called Houston. It was about an oil millionaire who was a detective and his lawyer was the Evil chainmail bikini princess from Buck Rogers.

Pamela Hensley (aka Princess Ardala)? Awesome! Sounds like a great show to watch, with or without the sound turned up.

Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Pfff...:lofts are too small for we Texans.

I hear interesting things are happening in Mineral Wells.

Dark Archive

There still remains a strong New England contingent.

Scarab Sages

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Yes, but sadly, you are in New England. If you were in Houston, your lives would automatically be better.

By what exponent?

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Aberzombie wrote:
Yes, but sadly, you are in New England. If you were in Houston, your lives would automatically be better.

Also, Houston is the new headquarters of the 501st Heartbeat-Challenged FaWLTy Troopers, under the command of Darth Aberzombie and Moorluck/Daryl Dixon. You'd be much safer on their side than anywhere else in the US when the sekrit batsh*t-crazy slaading horde incubating in Florida burst forth to rampage and pillage-


forget that last part.

Scarab Sages

JMD031 wrote:
By what exponent?


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Come to Hessia

go Hiking

visit the idyllic towns

take a bath


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Am I going to have to go to Houston to attend next years FAWTLcon?

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
JMD031 wrote:
Am I going to have to go to Houston to attend next years FAWTLcon?

we need to convene a FaWtLcon planning meeting. Where's the beer?

I'd love to go to Texas... SPecially to meet you guys over there!

Scarab Sages

You are always welcome here Hugo.


I nominate the Presidential family's move-in party as the first meeting for the Houston FAWTL-Con Planning Commission.

I would love to attend a FAWTL con. But I fear the heat, frankly because of the advent of air conditioning my house rarely rises above the temperature of 62-65*F. I'm not even sure Texas gets that low of a temperature even in the depths of winter O_o

Then there is the problem of if I visit Houston, the husband will want to go with. And since he isn't a gamer I will have to find something natural history related for him to do while I game. Or something bird related and thats likely a tall order for Houston *Le sigh*

Sovereign Court

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Museum of Natural History. They have a really cool gem collection. :)

And in winter, it does get cool Not usually cold enough for snow, but down in the 40's. You could survive that.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

It snows every fifth year or so here. The last time was 2009 so you're safe this year. (I've been married to a Houston girl since 2005, and living here since 2009.)

And I'll second recommending the Houston Museum of Natural Science as a good timesink for a non-gamer spouse. The wife and I are members. The new paleontology wing is amazing, if a bit too much like an Apple store in its general aesthetic design. Jam-PACKED with fossils, though, including some stuff I've never even seen in 30+ years of museum cruising.

We just went to the offshoot Houston Museum of Natural Science in Sugarland last weekend. Not a bad little place to spend a couple hours. We want to visit the main one next time.

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Ok then I have a list of demands.
1) I have to eat at least one purely texan cultural meal
2) I have to see at least 1 texan historical site
3) I need one authentic texas souvenir for my trip.

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Yes, MM, come visit Planet Houston. We gnomes are as thick as mosquitoes down here. {keeps one eye alert for LPM with a can of gnomicide}

The Minis Maniac has it easy. My chances of getting enough money to travel to the other side of the planet are very slim... Especially that I would have to pay off the debts first.

At least there is a chance that before I can start considering such travel Poles won't need visas to USA anymore.

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The Minis Maniac wrote:

Ok then I have a list of demands.

1) I have to eat at least one purely texan cultural meal
2) I have to see at least 1 texan historical site
3) I need one authentic texas souvenir for my trip.

1) Tex-mex

2) Alamo
3) Gonzales battle flag

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