Maestro bloodline Perform skill oddity

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The class skills gained by a bloodline are usually specific - a particular skill or a particular type of Knowledge. With the Arcane default, it's Knowledge(any one), so you have the flexibility to pick. But it's still a particular Knowledge.

Maestro, on the other hand, simply gives you Perform. I figure this ought to be Perform(pick one).

Without this, I guess Eldritch Heritage is technically impossible to take with the Maestro bloodline, as there is no Skill Focus: Perform(all), only Skill Focus: Perform(some specific form). Hero Lab has this problem, BTW - it apparently looks for Skill Focus: Perform(all), and does not recognize (e.g.) Skill Focus: Perform(oratory) as meeting the Eldritch Heritage prereq.


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Just something Hero Lab didn't account for.

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