Does the Carnivorous Crystal's melee damage entry result entirely from a special ability?

Rules Questions

Here's the melee line from the Carnivorous Crystal

Bestiary 3 wrote:
slam +18 (7d8+9/18–20 plus entrap)

So, in theory, a cave druid who wild shaped into the form of a carnivorous crystal could slam bad guys into chowder (although he wouldn't get the entrap special ability). But wait! The carnivorous crystal has a special ability that modifies this, as follows

Bestiary 3 wrote:
Razor Sharp (Ex) A carnivorous crystal's slam attack deals devastating piercing and slashing damage, and threatens a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20.

Okay, clearly 'razor sharp' (like entrap) isn't a special ability that can be granted via beast shape III, so the cave druid's crystal slam will only deal bludgeoning, and only threatens a crit on a 20.

Does the word 'devastating' in the special ability entry modify the monster's damage to Dr.-Evil-finger-steepling levels (up from, say, a baseline slam for a Medium creature of 1d6), or is the word just fluff describing '7d8'?

A cave druid would only get the base slam (so +18 [7d8+9]).

Thw word devastationg has no effect on the ability, it is just for flavour.

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