Werthead |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

DRAGONFALL, formerly known as 'the Berlin campaign, will be out on 27 February. Its campaign is apparently significantly longer than the base game's and it will (huzzah!) have a 'save anywhere' feature. That will also be patched into the base game as well.

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DRAGONFALL, formerly known as 'the Berlin campaign, will be out on 27 February. Its campaign is apparently significantly longer than the base game's and it will (huzzah!) have a 'save anywhere' feature. That will also be patched into the base game as well.
My first supported kickstarter project has been a lot of fun so far. I have high hopes for the Dragonfall expansion as well.

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Werthead wrote:DRAGONFALL, formerly known as 'the Berlin campaign, will be out on 27 February. Its campaign is apparently significantly longer than the base game's and it will (huzzah!) have a 'save anywhere' feature. That will also be patched into the base game as well.My first supported kickstarter project has been a lot of fun so far. I have high hopes for the Dragonfall expansion as well.
Yeah, it was totally worth it for the usb dog tag too. And my own personalized DocWagon card. *happy* Also the game was excellent but I like it a lot better when I could use shotgun to the knee 3 times a round. ^_^

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So, Dragonfall came out today. Anyone else got a copy? It's currently a little cheaper on the Humble Store than on Steam, at least for me in the UK.
Early impressions? Pretty damn good so far.
Mine have been the same so far. I am having a pretty good time this go round. They definitely improved things quite a bit. Much happier with the new save system.

The NPC |

Uzzy wrote:Mine have been the same so far. I am having a pretty good time this go round. They definitely improved things quite a bit. Much happier with the new save system.So, Dragonfall came out today. Anyone else got a copy? It's currently a little cheaper on the Humble Store than on Steam, at least for me in the UK.
Early impressions? Pretty damn good so far.
To quote Scruffy "Second."

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I know it just came out but has it been said what their Shadowrun Returns project is?
Also, any ETA on the SNES reboot?
Whose project?
Hare Brained Schemes?
Check out Shadowrun.com for more info

The NPC |

The NPC wrote:I know it just came out but has it been said what their Shadowrun Returns project is?
Also, any ETA on the SNES reboot?
Whose project?
Hare Brained Schemes?
Check out Shadowrun.com for more info
I meant to type in next and yes Hare Brained Sschemes was the they.

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I hope it does well. Its good and much improved from Dead Man's Switch.
My vote for the next one is to set it in Tokyo.
I've not gotten to play the new one yet but I loved the first one, even with the unfortunate save mechanic. Of course, I played and beat it before the first patch which meant that I could kneecap someone 3 times a round and make sure I had a fighting chance as a decker. Still pretty great and I loved the look. Art direction in the game has been fantastic and I hope they can continue to improve on it. The guys at Harebrained Schemes are top-notch and have easily delivered my collectors edition months before the other two collectors edition I purchased around the same time, even with a custom Gold Docwagon card and the special dogtags both of which are BEAUTIFUL.

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I think Chicago would be a good next city, especially as a sequel to dead mans switch. Bugs everywhere.
Honestly though, I don't care where it's set, I just want more. I love the campaigns, and the official ones are head and shoulders about the player created ones. I got Dragonfall as a backer, but I'd gladly pay for more campaigns of this quality.

GreyWolfLord |

Okay, this is resurrecting an older thread, but this game is new to me. It was on sale and I picked it up.
I have never played Shadowrun PnP. I tried the old genesis game once...perhaps it was my age, or perhaps just not my style...but I absolutely hated that game.
On the otherhand, I absolutely LOVE this game. It's absolutely awesome. Not sooo long that you get bored (DA:I at parts), not so short that you blink and it's over. Loved the game and the gameplay.
I have Dragonfall to play next, and I also picked up Hong Kong I loved the game so much.
On the otherhand, though I know higher numbers are better, still don't understand completely the inner workings of how Shadowrun works PnP wise.
I did get that cover is VERY important though. Running away can be as well!
The first game was a tad linear (as some noted several years ago), but I still loved it and the atmosphere, the game itself, and the dialogue.
Any other games like this one?

thejeff |
Okay, this is resurrecting an older thread, but this game is new to me. It was on sale and I picked it up.
I have never played Shadowrun PnP. I tried the old genesis game once...perhaps it was my age, or perhaps just not my style...but I absolutely hated that game.
On the otherhand, I absolutely LOVE this game. It's absolutely awesome. Not sooo long that you get bored (DA:I at parts), not so short that you blink and it's over. Loved the game and the gameplay.
I have Dragonfall to play next, and I also picked up Hong Kong I loved the game so much.
On the otherhand, though I know higher numbers are better, still don't understand completely the inner workings of how Shadowrun works PnP wise.
I did get that cover is VERY important though. Running away can be as well!
The first game was a tad linear (as some noted several years ago), but I still loved it and the atmosphere, the game itself, and the dialogue.
Any other games like this one?
The sequels get less linear and had more options and flexibility, which was nice. I liked both of them better then the first.
There are also a bunch of user mods on Nexus, some of which are really good. Added a whole bunch of playing time to the game for me.
I actually just fired it back up over the weekend and played The Caldecott Caper. Not quite as polished as Dragonfall or Hong Kong, but still quite good - with a couple of nasty twists.
I'm not sure how much the mechanics get beyond "Higher numbers are better" and I don't think knowing the PnP Shadowrun mechanics would help that much. I never really figured them out, but enjoyed the game anyway.
Healing is definitely easier in Shadowrun Returns than in the Pnp and being injured less of a death spiral. That made cover not always as important as action economy for me.

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The addition of a crew helps the sequels a lot. The characters in both Dragonball and HK are interesting and have a good amout if depth. Both in your crew and the hubs.
The stakes of the stories get bigger and bigger in terms of the SR world as the sequels go on too, but they still remain personal ones at the same time.

GreyWolfLord |