LuniasM |

My Pathfinder group recently leveled up and I'm trying to decide on a feat to pick. I'll list any relevant information below:
Kethrad (Elf, Grenadier Alchemist 5)
HP - 20 (+1d8 next game, my DM needs to see the rolls)
Str - 12 Int - 19
Dex - 16 Wis - 12
Con - 10 Cha - 9
BAB - +3
AC 15 - 10 + 2 Armor + 3 Dex
Fort - +4
Reflex - +7
Will - +2
Feats - Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits - Strong-Willed, Stargazer
Discoveries - Precise Bomb (class), Infusion, Smoke Bomb
Weapons - Bombs (9/day, 3d6+4), Masterwork Longbow (1d8), Kukri (1d4)
Our party consists of a Half-Elf Barbarian, a Dwarven Monk, a Human Cleric (worships Erastil, has Good and Community domains) and myself. The barbarian and monk are fighting in melee and the cleric sits back with me and buffs the party.
My playstyle thus far has been to use bombs only when I can hit multiple targets or need to take down a specific target quickly. I've never run out of bombs during the day before, and I don't anticipate needing more than I have just yet. Our group goes up against poison and stat damage pretty often, which is why I do not have a Composite Longbow - 1 point would make the weapon useless for me. I rolled horribly for health in the last 2 levels, which has nearly been the death of me multiple times.
I'm trying to decide between Rapid Shot and Extra Discovery for feats at this level, and beyond my Lvl 6 and Lvl 8 discoveries (Wings and Fast Bombs) I'm not sure what is the best course of action for future levels. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

With only moderate BAB and Dex, I'd recommend against taking Rapid Shot. You'd be shooting at +5/+5, which isn't so great. I'd consider instead taking Focused Shot, which adds your Int modifier to damage within 30 feet. It only works as a standard action (so you can't get more than one attack in a round), but it can be good for readied actions to disrupt spellcasters.
And if you want Fast Bombs at level 8, then you should spend your Level 9 feat to get Force Bombs, so you can get around all those resistances.

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The answer is Stink Bombs. Always.
Nauseated ends combats.
RainyDayNinja also has a good point- lacking excellent BAB and not having a great dex, your best bet is Focused shot. You could also consider the Alchemist Discovery Explosive Missile.
Get a composite longbow (STR +1) and have the Cleric masterwork it. If you can get enchantements, add +1 and then the Adaptive quality. It would allow you to continue to be an archer when utilizing a STR mutagen or when poisoned and lacking a STR modifier.

Zwordsman |
Depending on your GM (some don't count it as a valid use cause focused shot is it's own standard action (dependin on your view of it)), but you could get focused shot + shot on the run to always be moving and doing decent damage. Also depending on your gm you might be able to use a bomb with shot on the run.

LuniasM |

Thanks for all the replies so far, I'll try to respond to each of them here.
Yes, the -2 penalty hurts at low levels. On the other hand, we haven't come across anything with a terribly high AC so far, and the few that did had a low touch AC. In addition, I should be able to purchase a +1 enhancement bonus for my bow next time we hit town.
As for Focused Shot, I do like the bonus damage it grants. On the other hand, it has its own Standard Action to use and only shoots one arrow. In addition, it only works on targets within 30'. It's still a solid option, but the restrictions are tight.
And yes, Force Bombs sound like a good option, so I'll definitely consider that in the future.
I thought about Stink Bombs, though the problem is more that the smoke only lasts 1 round. Nauseate is certainly a good debuff though, and the fact that it lasts 1d4+1 rounds after the smoke clears makes up for the otherwise short duration. It's definitely worth looking at.
Aaaaaand somehow I completely missed the Adaptive option for longbows. As things stand right now I won't be able to afford the 3000 gp to pay for it, though that may change depending on the treasure we found at the end of our last session. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but does that quality not count as a +1 bonus for the purpose of determining your maximum enhancement bonus? That is, would a +1 Adaptive Composite Longbow count as a +2 weapon or a +1?
The only problems I have with that discovery are:
a) bows target full AC, so I'd miss more often, and
b) if I miss, the bomb is effectively wasted.
I would consider it, however, as an alternate method of delivering AoE effects at a range, as targeting a square is an AC of 10 and the bomb goes of as long as I hit my target. It's a discovery I've taken some time to look up before, and I'm still on-the-fence in determining just how useful it is.
Focused Shot is a Standard Action (like Vital Strike) and Shot On The Run is a Full-Round Action. I'd never be able to use the two in conjunction by RAW, so my GM wouldn't allow it. Besides, even if I could I don't exactly have 4 feats to burn on it. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

LuniasM |

Adaptive is a flat 1K enchantment. So if you find yourself with 3000GP you can put it on your current MWK longbow and away you go!
Awesome, that's a good way to boost my damage I hadn't noticed. With my Mutagen and Bull's Strength, that'd be +5 to damage. Then again, that buff might be better off in our Monk's hands. The poor guy's only got a +3 Strength modifier, and with no enhancements he whiffs most of his hits.

Dorian 'Grey' |

I have been studying the Alchemist class these last 3 weeks. Our game has been constantly postponed, so I had nothing better to do...lol.
We had a TPW, so we are continuing the campaign at 7th with full gp!
I have mocked up a melee Alchemist (Beastmorph) and I am now looking at a ranged Alchemist (Grenadier). The only constants has been 1/2 Orc, iron will, forgetful (drawback), accelerated drinker and pragmatic activator (traits), and enhance potion discovery.
I can see how either build is really nice, but I also don't want to be a 'one trick pony'.
The ranged build invests a lot of feats into the longbow, but with the Alchemical weapon special of Grenadier, it really is nice--especially using a hybridization funnel!
These two guides have kept me busy too!
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2pz1z&page=1?N-Jollys-Guide-to-Alchemical-G enius
Hope these help!