Fire Resistance 20 by a 8th level fighter?

Rules Questions

I have a group of 6 people and one of them is a tiefling fighter. He says that using feats and traits he was able to get fire resistance 20. I have looked through the ARG but it doesn't seem to me that you could get fire resistance higher than 10. Is there something I'm missing?

Have you considered asking him how he claims to have done it?

I am going to ask him how he claims to have done it, but I wanted to just know first if someone else had done it or knew a way to do it.

Shadow Lodge

Be a high level cleric with fire domain? Have permanency spell that gives him this? Obscure wonderous Item? enchanted armour maybe? there are lots of ways to do this other then listed, but these cover most of ones I know.

Void Dragon wrote:
I have a group of 6 people and one of them is a tiefling fighter. He says that using feats and traits he was able to get fire resistance 20. I have looked through the ARG but it doesn't seem to me that you could get fire resistance higher than 10. Is there something I'm missing?

Well, Trait gives Fire Resistance

Infernal Influence gives FR 1

Tieflings start with FR 5.

So I can see FR 6.

He might be assuming Expanded Fiendish Resilience stacks to the same energy ng

I don't know what your player has done, but FR 20 is not very likely.

The only thing I can think of is that probably he is making resistances stack (four instances of fire resist 5 does not give you 20 fire resistance, it's still FR 5).

okay this seems more reasonable than someone having FR 20. Thanks

Scarab Sages

An Alchemist can do it for a limited duration at 4, but I don't see anything specific to tieflings that would do so at any level.

Artanthos wrote:
An Alchemist can do it for a limited duration at 4, but I don't see anything specific to tieflings that would do so at any level.

With a Robe of Arcane Heritage several sorcerer bloodlines could do it. Then again a sorcerer is not a fighter.

Well, if you really wanted to, you could use the Eldritch Heritage feat chain along with the Robe of Arcane Heritage to get FR 20 by level 7.

Improved Eldrtich allows a sorcerer blood line and Sorcerer level -2, and then you grab the +4 from the robe.

how much does that robe cost?

Shadow Lodge

He may* have enchanted dragonhide from a red dragon (to reduce price) that grants him resist fire 20.

*I'm not sure that this is possible, but if so then this seems much easier then 2 feats and a wondrous item.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Void Dragon wrote:
I am going to ask him how he claims to have done it, but I wanted to just know first if someone else had done it or knew a way to do it.

There are LOTS of ways to get fire resistance 20. But that's totally irrelevant. The question is how HE'S doing it. So you need to check his sheet.

true I should rephrase my question is there a way to get FR 20 only using teifling feats and traits?

also this is raising a lot of questions in my mind so I will be checking his sheet as soon as possible

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Pathfinder is so big these days that it's no longer possible to remember every feat out there, especially some third party stuff the person in question might be using. So instead of saying yes or no, which doesn't really answer the question about the character. It's best just to check the character build.

True, thank you everybody for you help.

TaiSharShaidar wrote:

Well, if you really wanted to, you could use the Eldritch Heritage feat chain along with the Robe of Arcane Heritage to get FR 20 by level 7.

Improved Eldrtich allows a sorcerer blood line and Sorcerer level -2, and then you grab the +4 from the robe.

A bit of an aside-

No, as Improved Eldritch Heritage is a level 11 feat. It's also normally used to get the level 9 bloodline power.

That being said, if someone wanted to pick up the level 3 bloodline power with IEH I'd let them take feat early.

Shadow Lodge

Again, He could have red dragonhide armor with improved energy resistance fire. He saves 25% on this enchantment, so he would spend 32,500gp, It blows most of his cash on armour, but can do this. Maybe he just got energy resistance on it and took expanded fiendish resistance thinking it stacked with his natural. You seem to think that he has FR 20 from just being a tiefling (which you can't do with any non-3pp stuff that I know of), but that isn't true. If he blows almost all his cash and a trait or 2 to raise starting gold, he can do this.

He seems to think that because that is what his player told him


I have a group of 6 people and one of them is a tiefling fighter. He says that using feats and traits he was able to get fire resistance 20. I have looked through the ARG but it doesn't seem to me that you could get fire resistance higher than 10. Is there something I'm missing?

What feats + traits grants stacking FR though? Not many.

Which is why he is on the forums asking all of us if it were possible prior to being able to review his player's character sheet...

I for one am interested in what comes of it out of a general curiosity

If my GM got on here and said "I have a player that says he can use stealth in bright and normal light with a -10 to the check even while observed...and can use it with no negative if he's within 10ft of dim light...AND cannot be sensed by blindsight/blindsense when stealthing all using just feats and one class feature. Is this possible?"

I would hope that he would be answered without his intelligence being questioned or people saying he "assumes" I'm doing it using magic items or something when it was clearly stated that it was "just feats and one class feature"

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