My Group's Interests


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We're in the second part of the path, building the city of Newhold and somthing that we really liked came up, but I want to ask:

What does it say about my group that they are coming up with names for the "Founding Group's Brews" for when they build a brewery?

Tiger Stripe Ale (Druid's Animal Companion)
Berne's Hard Cider (Pear) (Half-Orc Ranger)
Lily Lager (the Druid)
Müller Stout (with a creme brulee flavor) (Oracle of the Wind and Party face)

And I forget what the ruler, a paladin of Erastil who started as a farm boy wanted to call his booze.

Also, they decided it was "Fangberry Brewery" and would they are trying to coax Bokken into becoming a brewmaster.

This could be interesting when it comes down to it.

Sounds like they need a temple to Cayden Cailean.

He he he he he...

For the Paladin, how about Dead Eye's Drop...

As for what to say... be happy that your group is buying into it. Despite
the hours, and hours...and hours I've put into the setting, NPCs, extra
storylines etc - my player's kingdom is called Greenland, & the first town
built was called Thornbridge...because it was where there was an old bridge
over the Thorn River...& the next town was called Leveton...well, I'm sure
you get the idea.

I would love for a flourish or 2... (Mind you - the ex-Baron, half-elf,
druid, did call a town Arborea & he wanted to build a city in the trees...
but this has not gone far (1 house in 2 years), as the other players didn't
buy into it, & he was supplanted as the leader by a conniving Bard player.

This is awesome. Now you need to convince them to brew some beer at home so you can enjoy a bottle of Tiger Stripe while you game!

Sounds like they're having fun with your campaign, which is great!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

MY group did this but with Taverns, the most popular being the Dwarf's Gorm's Stomp.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My group went on a quest to find a master brewer, actually. They ended up going up to the Garess lands to find a human brewer that had mastered the secret art of brewing Dwarven Mushroom Beer - pronounced "lager" in English, btw. Their brewery now makes that and has a distillery attached where they hope to use various saps and syrups from the Narlmarches to make herb-infused spirits.

Of course, two of our players worked in a brewery, and I lead brewery tours myself, so I suppose this was inevitable...

Ol' Gormie says ye got the name wrong Sol, it is Gorm's Axe!

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