Racial + Class Archetype

Rules Questions

I was thinking about creating a Naga Aspirant for my friend's campaign. I'm a bit new to Pathfinder (and roleplaying games in general), so I was curious: could I use the racial archetype Naga Aspirant as well as the class archetype Serpent Shaman?

Thanks for the help! :)

Provided they don't try to replace the same class features, you can take as many archetypes as you like.

Grand Lodge

Replace or alter.

As long as they don't replace, or alter, the same class features.

Both Serpent Shaman and Naga Aspirant alter Wild Shape, Venom Immunity, and Thousand Faces. They don't mesh.

If you want Naga Aspirant + another archetype, the other archetype must not touch Spontaneous Casting, Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape, Venom Immunity, Thousand Faces, and Timeless Body. None of the other archetypes meet those criteria, save for "archetype-like" changes like Animal and Terrain Domains or Inquisitions. Same goes for Serpent Shaman.

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