George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty

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Liberty's Edge

BigNorse asked me earlier about "Stand Your Ground".

I did hear somewhere that in Florida, the juries have the ability to consider a lesser charge, but the prosecution has to present the charge. There wasn't enough evidence to prove manslaughter or murder 2 beyond a reasonable doubt. People don't like that, but that's the way it is. Why the prosecution didn't present other options, I don't know.

Moorluck wrote:
I normally avoid discussing things like this on the boards as they tend to degenerate rather quickly, but here goes. The truth(As I see it) of it is only two people know exactly what happened. One of them is not around to say, that said even *if* Zimmerman's story is true, *he* created the situation that led to him shooting that kid. For him to walk under those circumstances is a crock. My 2cp for whatever it's worth.


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


The Exchange

Another funny thing i keep hearing on the internet.
Zimmerman kills trayvon and "gets away with it" setback to civil rights
OJ kills too white people and the riots were set to go the second he might have been convicted. "justice for blacks" that he was found not guilty.
Sad state of affair that so many take this so personal.

Liberty's Edge

Andrew R wrote:
hoods are the new masks because they can be worn more freely, and some people actually wear them for warmth so the criminals have an excuse. But look at modern criminals and count the hoods, they really are the uniform of a criminal, too damn bad they are also popular with others for different reasons.

More suspicious than carrying a gun apparently...

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Unless you have a ougie board that account is as biased as you can possibly get, given how zimmerman has every reason in the world to lie.

I was speaking about all the testimony. What each person said, not merely what the defendant said in interviews. Sorry for the confusion.

The Exchange

ciretose wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
hoods are the new masks because they can be worn more freely, and some people actually wear them for warmth so the criminals have an excuse. But look at modern criminals and count the hoods, they really are the uniform of a criminal, too damn bad they are also popular with others for different reasons.
More suspicious than carrying a gun apparently...

Honestly sort of. criminals tend to carry in a pocket. citizens, cops and security carry on a holster much more often.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What the hell are the specifics of this case? Neighborhood Watch moron Follows and Shoots the kid when he attempts to confronts the guy for following him?

yellowdingo wrote:
What the hell are the specifics of this case? Neighborhood Watch moron Follows and Shoots the kid when he attempts to confronts the guy for following him?

And this is one of those rare moments of lucid posting that I've never seen before, much less commented on.

This is a polarizing topic. Meads posts are particularly onerous, but insightful, considering his history. Still think zimmerman should have gone away for manslaughter. Stupidity on the level that costs a human life is a crime in my book.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Andrew R wrote:
hoods are the new masks because they can be worn more freely, and some people actually wear them for warmth so the criminals have an excuse. But look at modern criminals and count the hoods, they really are the uniform of a criminal, too damn bad they are also popular with others for different reasons.

This is a good point. I feel a whole lot safer knowing there are Neighborhood Watch Dudes out there braving the mean streets everyday, and ready to shoot every hooded person they see, before they can do me harm...

Freehold DM wrote:

I don't think zimmermans life is going to be the same after this, he's probably never going to come out of hiding unless he gets some cosmetic surgery.

He's going to have to go to Peru or Mongolia or something. These are the Days of Doxxing.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

I don't think zimmermans life is going to be the same after this, he's probably never going to come out of hiding unless he gets some cosmetic surgery.
He's going to have to go to Peru or Mongolia or something. These are the Days of Doxxing.

you mean like he potentially tried to do earlier?

Grand Magus wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I normally avoid discussing things like this on the boards as they tend to degenerate rather quickly, but here goes. The truth(As I see it) of it is only two people know exactly what happened. One of them is not around to say, that said even *if* Zimmerman's story is true, *he* created the situation that led to him shooting that kid. For him to walk under those circumstances is a crock. My 2cp for whatever it's worth.


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


good question

Grand Magus wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I normally avoid discussing things like this on the boards as they tend to degenerate rather quickly, but here goes. The truth(As I see it) of it is only two people know exactly what happened. One of them is not around to say, that said even *if* Zimmerman's story is true, *he* created the situation that led to him shooting that kid. For him to walk under those circumstances is a crock. My 2cp for whatever it's worth.


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


good question

...Did you just compliment your own question?

EDIT: Yes. Yes, you did. Not a quoting error.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
I normally avoid discussing things like this on the boards as they tend to degenerate rather quickly, but here goes. The truth(As I see it) of it is only two people know exactly what happened. One of them is not around to say, that said even *if* Zimmerman's story is true, *he* created the situation that led to him shooting that kid. For him to walk under those circumstances is a crock. My 2cp for whatever it's worth.


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


good question

...Did you just compliment your own question?

EDIT: Yes. Yes, you did. Not a quoting error.


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


Grand Magus wrote:


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??

has "Don't shoot me" ever worked?

The kid has no idea why he's being chased. If its a robbery , some crazy abduction scheme, or just a psyco killer how on earth would "don't shoot me" help?"


good question

Sovereign Court

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??

has "Don't shoot me" ever worked?

The kid has no idea why he's being chased. If its a robbery , some crazy abduction scheme, or just a psyco killer how on earth would "don't shoot me" help?"

Dont add a "bro" on the end either it wont help.

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
so much wrong here I can't even start. Ill be sure to sleep with my friends hot wife and kill him afterwards. Its completely legal.

Well, you forgot about the part where you need to wait for your friend to threaten you with bodily harm.

Liberty's Edge

Grand Magus wrote:
Why didn't the kid yell, "Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??

Excellent point. Hey, if someone shoots me, and I don't even have the self-respect to evade the bullet, I probably had it coming. And if I start to say, "Don't shoot me!", but I get shot mid-sentence, well, I must not have been trying hard enough.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Only Zimmerman knows what really happened. Is he lying? Is he telling the truth? No one knows but him.

HangarFlying wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
so much wrong here I can't even start. Ill be sure to sleep with my friends hot wife and kill him afterwards. Its completely legal.
Well, you forgot about the part where you need to wait for your friend to threaten you with bodily harm.

how long will that take? A few seconds? This is perfect for a no fault divorce- all you have to do is get your lover to shoot your spouse and that's it!

Grand Magus wrote:


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


Martin was too busy sitting on top of Zimmerman hitting him in the head. "Ground and pound" to use the only eye-witness' words.

Doug's Workshop wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


Martin was too busy sitting on top of Zimmerman hitting him in the head.

then why didn't he say "stop hitting me"?

Freehold DM wrote:
Doug's Workshop wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


Martin was too busy sitting on top of Zimmerman hitting him in the head.
then why didn't he say "stop hitting me"?

Pretty sure Martin's "You're gonna die tonight" rant drowned out anything Zimmerman said.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Doug's Workshop wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


Martin was too busy sitting on top of Zimmerman hitting him in the head.
then why didn't he say "stop hitting me"?

He did....and punctuated it with a bullet.


My mom sat on a jury in Florida......

The case was something to the effect of one dumbass punched another dumbass, who decided to retort with a brick. The jist of it was this: apparently when you're attacked, you can retaliate in kind i.e. meet fist with fist; upping the ante to a brick is aggravated battery instead of self defense.

So, the second dumbass should of said "waaah; I thought my life was in danger/he was going to curbstomp me?" I mean, how does that work that a brick is too much of an escalation, but a gun is just hunky dory?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

I don't think zimmermans life is going to be the same after this, he's probably never going to come out of hiding unless he gets some cosmetic surgery.
He's going to have to go to Peru or Mongolia or something. These are the Days of Doxxing.
you mean like he potentially tried to do earlier?

wonder what ole Dexter's up to lately

Doug's Workshop wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Doug's Workshop wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


Martin was too busy sitting on top of Zimmerman hitting him in the head.
then why didn't he say "stop hitting me"?
Pretty sure Martin's "You're gonna die tonight" rant drowned out anything Zimmerman said.

Where did you hear this?

I only learned today that the jury consisted of six women, five white, one Hispanic.

My guess is the Hispanic woman is the reason Zimmerman was found not guilty. That would indeed be ironic, because this case for many people stopped being about facts and started being about racial politics.

Sovereign Court

meatrace wrote:
Doug's Workshop wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Doug's Workshop wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:


I have literally been out of the country. Why didn't the kid yell,
"Don't shoot me!" and then run away as fast as he could??


Martin was too busy sitting on top of Zimmerman hitting him in the head.
then why didn't he say "stop hitting me"?
Pretty sure Martin's "You're gonna die tonight" rant drowned out anything Zimmerman said.
Where did you hear this?

At some point Zman made a testimony tape where he claimed Martin said,"You're going to die tonight" while he was "ground and pounding" him.

And what's not to believe there? It's not like Zim had any incentive to lie or embellish the facts. Knowing full well no one else would be able to contradict what he said and all.

Liberty's Edge

Well, in the court of public opinion, we all apparently must automatically assume that the guy that got off was lying, but in a court of law the testimony must be taken at face value.

Digital Products Assistant

Locking thread. While we are OK with political topics, please keep the messageboard rules in mind.

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