Banglor |
I saw a thread about this but I'm not much into thread-cromancy so I decided I would ask and add my own details on what I believe. Hopefully some people can give me some of their insight as well. So the feat reads as
"At 1st level, a unarmed fighter gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and any single style feat as a bonus feat. The unarmed fighter need not meet all the prerequisites of the style feat he chooses, but style feats that grant additional uses of the Elemental Fist feat cannot be taken until the unarmed fighter has that feat.
This ability replaces the bonus feat at 1st level."
Now, many people said you can choose any style feat including the bottom tier ones, which is what I believe it to be for reasons of,
1)It states that you need not meet all the prerequisites of the feat
2) It takes about "Style feats that grant additional uses of the Elemental Fist Feat cannot be taken until the unarmed fighter has that feat."
Now if we must choose the base feat the tier 1, why would in example 2 it say Style feats rather than the name itself. I'm trying to think that they do mean it allows you to choose tier 3 feats under the style table because of those 2 reasons. Looking for what others think on this as well and maybe there has been a resolved post on this that I may have not found that you would like to direct me to. Thank you!
P.S. I know some feats require the base feat because in the later tier it talks about that feat but ones such as "Snake Fang", it does not mention the earlier tiers rather just what the feat itself does on its own, also not requiring any of what the earlier feats may add such as Improved trip and Greater Improved Trip.

Hawkson |
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Look at the "tags" not the chart. The bonus is a "Style Feat" not a "feat in the tree". If you look at the 1st feat in the chain they are (Combat, Style), the other two are just (Combat). This is what they mean by bonus "Style" feat.