Differences between the Rise of the runelords book and PDF

Rise of the Runelords

Mmmh, yeah, this is probably the dumbest question ever, but I'm going to make it aanyways. See, the economy in my country is a little... complicated right now, and every Paizo product I buy means a huge inversion (specially the shipping costs).

So, is there any difference between the book and the PDF besides the Interactive maps?

Thanks guys!

Shadow Lodge

None that I could see, and I do own both.

I use the hardback at the table when I am running the game.

I use the pdfs when I am mobile (e.g. at work) or when I just want to search for something. I have also extracted images from the pdfs for handouts, display on my tablet ("she looks like this"), and printing out the maps.

Liberty's Edge


One question to ask is if you have a means to comfortably access the PDF while you're playing? Obviously you have access to the Internet, but do you have something like a laptop, iPad, or a printer to print out relevant pages—or the desktop is near the gaming area and easily accessible. That might be something to consider too. Good luck!

The Exchange

I wish the economy in my country was 'complicated'. Over here it's very simple: the upper crust roll around on big piles of foreclosed mortgages and command their pet senators to slap-fight for their amusement, while the rest of us are forced to do the "company cheer" every morning at 6 am at Megalo-Mart.

On the other hand, I'm not being forced to mine diamonds at machete-point, so maybe my economic woes aren't as bad as I think.

To the OP: There is no difference at all in content.

The PDF includes separate PDF files of interactive maps and the player handouts.

Thank you all for your answers! I prefer the printed books, but I'm going to miss the interactive maps, a shame they are not available separately.

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