Extra Languages with Linguistic Skill

Rules Questions

You get to learn a new language with each rank of linguisitcs you take. If linguistics is a class skill for you then you get 3 extra points of linguistics when you take your first rank. Do you get three extra languages for these or are they considered a different category of skill point?

That is a bit confusing, however it says:

"Learn a Language: Whenever you put a rank into this skill, you learn to speak and read a new language."

So I take that to mean you do NOT get 3 bonus languages, only a language for each time you put a rank into the skill.

PRD Linguistics

You don't get three extra points. You get a +3 bonus to checks with the skill. You've still only invested one point and get only one language.

Silver Crusade

the three points you get for class skills aren't ranks.

So no, you do not get three "extra" languages.

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