Holy Vindicator question?


So I just recently became a Holy vindicator and I have a question about it. I am a level 15 cleric and Level 1 Holy Vindicator and I have a question about the vindicator shield, do I have to roll my Channel energy and if so can I use my Maximize and Empower spell feats? I am somewhat new to playing pathfinder and as a cleric at that?

You do not need to roll anything when using the Vindicator's Shield ability. The bonus you gain to your Armor Class is equal to the amount of dice you would roll when using channel.

So, as a level 15 cleric/ level 1 HV you would have a channel of 7d6. You would gain a bonus of +7 to your shield AC.

Empower and Maximise feats have no effect on abilities that aren't spells, let alone abilities that have no dice roll, so they would do nothing here. I hope that sufficiently answers your question. :)

Liberty's Edge

Actually it would be 8d6 channel, and therefore a +8 sacred (or profane) bonus to AC.

Also, it is not a bonus to your shield AC. It is simply a +8 sacred (or profane) bonus to AC whenever your shield is worn. You don't even have to be holding your shield (it can be slung on your back).

Heymitch wrote:
Also, it is not a bonus to your shield AC. It is simply a +8 sacred (or profane) bonus to AC whenever your shield is worn. You don't even have to be holding your shield (it can be slung on your back).

The exact bonus was a miscount on my behalf, but I disagree strongly with the bolded text.

prd wrote:
Vindicator's Shield (Su): A vindicator can channel energy into his shield as a standard action; when worn, the shield gives the vindicator a sacred bonus (if positive energy) or profane bonus (if negative energy) to his Armor Class equal to the number of dice of the vindicator's channel energy. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the vindicator is struck in combat, whichever comes first. The shield does not provide this bonus to any other wielder, but the vindicator does not need to be holding the shield for it to retain this power.

This to me says that it does need to be wielded, otherwise why mention that other people wielding it has no effect?

"...but the vindicator does not need to be holding the shield for it to retain this power." Refers to the shield not losing the power if it's dropped or disarmed. So long as they pick up their shield again before being struck or 24 hours passing, the ability will still be in effect.

Kind of like if you dropped a mobile phone that was on, it wouldn't turn off just because you stopped holding it.

EDIT: lots of stuff. Also I realise it isn't a perfect analogy, as your phone wouldn't turn off just because somebody slapped you, but eh.

Silver Crusade

Vindicator's Shield (Su): A vindicator can channel energy into his shield as a standard action; when worn, the shield gives the vindicator a sacred bonus (if positive energy) or profane bonus (if negative energy) to his Armor Class equal to the number of dice of the vindicator's channel energy. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the vindicator is struck in combat, whichever comes first. The shield does not provide this bonus to any other wielder, but the vindicator does not need to be holding the shield for it to retain this power.

When worn...first sentence...

Well aware of that line, but it contradicts the need to mention "wielding" in the later segment as I mentioned earlier. Plus allowing it to work "when worn" instead of "when wielded" turns it into an Ioun stone with a sacred or profane AC bonus.

Far too powerful for a level 1 prestige class ability.

Going by strict RAW you may have a case, however I believe it is a mistake and not RAI.

Liberty's Edge

It may be that the intent of the line, "The shield does not provide this bonus to any other wielder" is just a way of saying that a Holy Vindicator cannot use channel to juice up half a dozen shields, and then pass them around to companions like party favors.

I'm certain that's part of it, but why say "wielded" when referring to your allies and "worn" when referring to the HV?

My take on it is that the terms "worn" & "wielded" are meant to be interchangeable when referring to shields, as you can't wield armor, nor can you wear weapons (barring a few specific exceptions).

Anyway this isn't really the place to discuss it as it's the advice thread. Maybe I'll make a new thread for it.

Thank you, I was so lost trying to figure out that. Like I said earlier, I am new to being a cleric, I usually do fighters and rangers, this was a first to me and she is by far my favorite. I am completely stoked now that I can use armor and shields and not take negatives like prior.

Glad we were able to help you dupuis. :)

Mortalis wrote:
My take on it is that the terms "worn" & "wielded" are meant to be interchangeable when referring to shields, as you can't wield armor, nor can you wear weapons (barring a few specific exceptions).

More on this, I found another section that supports my hypothesis that wearing a shield means wielding a shield.

PRD wrote:

Ready or Drop a Shield

Strapping a shield to your arm to gain its shield bonus to your AC, or unstrapping and dropping a shield so you can use your shield hand for another purpose, requires a move action. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can ready or drop a shield as a free action combined with a regular move.

Dropping a carried (but not worn) shield is a free action.

Note the specific reference to a shield being worn.

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