Ellis Mirari |

Ellis Mirari wrote:This seems to be the entire system that games played online, from independent RPGs and RTSs, to all the stuff from Playdom and Zynga, are based on. They're free to play. However, if you want to pay to play, you can play even better than the free people.I think it's a problem when someone is able to make their characters more powerful in-game by, when you get down to it, dropping cash (spending money on cakes, alcohol, etc.) when someone else may not be able to do so.
If only one person can it's unfair, and if everyone's doing it then it's not really bonus xp anymore, is it? You have to bribe the GM just to keep up.
This isn't exactly the same situation for a couple of reasons.
The majority of those f2p games with paid benefits alot primarily aesthetic benefits: you pay for for looks, not ingame advantages that will make you better than everyone present in the rather large player base. Obviously, those don't exist in tabletop. In some cases, yes, you can pay for % bonues to exp or drop rates, but levelling in a solo aspect of these games. When you buy a +50% exp for 1 hour token, you aren't being put ahead of the only 3 other people playing the game, you're getting a little more powerful than one large group of people and are still much less powerful than another large group of people.
In a tabletop game, you would be paying the GM in some fashion to make you outshine everyone else present in an environment where everyone is supposed to be cooperating and no one is suppose to shine brighter than everyone else. It also has the potential to make a competitive environment out of what is supposed to be a cooperative one, while most MMOs are the competitive with some aspects of cooperation sprinkled in.

Shadowborn |

I disagree. There are games where you can pass quests for money. There are games where you can get the items you would normally have to play the quests for, for money. There are PvP games where people who don't pay are still fair game for those that drop a couple hundred bucks to ornament themselves like Christmas trees. How is that different than "Oh, a pizza? For me? Here, let's just say you drop the dragon and go straight to listing out the hoard. Oh, and for you, pizza-guy, here's a vorpal sword."
That said, as a GM I'm still strongly in favor of this. If I can turn this into a full-on barter affair it would be great. Who wants a level? Great. What's for dinner? :)

Ellis Mirari |

I disagree. There are games where you can pass quests for money. There are games where you can get the items you would normally have to play the quests for, for money. There are PvP games where people who don't pay are still fair game for those that drop a couple hundred bucks to ornament themselves like Christmas trees. How is that different than "Oh, a pizza? For me? Here, let's just say you drop the dragon and go straight to listing out the hoard. Oh, and for you, pizza-guy, here's a vorpal sword.
It isn't different and I don't like that either. The fact that games exist where this is common does not mean I should be okay with it there, let alone at my table.

Ellis Mirari |

I also want to make sure we're drawing the distinction that
Decking out like Christmas tree =/= decking out with gear that makes you more powerful.
Team Fortress 2 has one of the largest microtransaction economies, and it's all purely aesthetic item or weapons that give you different options, not increased power.

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I have bribed a GM, my mother. When she was in an especially horrible mood and was planning an encounter for us in Earthdawn. I heard the creatures and knew them and since I knew how horrible the week had been I went out and bought her dark chocolate and a case of pepsi (some for myself as well).It worked, but we still fought for our character's lives. It simply went from nearly impossible to just highly difficult.
My table jokes about bribing the GM (which is me now), but I don't reward them at all for it. Mostly they reference any food or drink purchases as only fair. I fed them and provided their preferred beverages for almost two years before money got too tight. So now they want to return the favor to me.
For the OP I would never undo a the draw from a deck and I have put it in. I heavily modified it so the penalties were light, but not game breaking. But I would not allow it to be undone except via a special quest. I also would not grant anyone access to half cost on any item. If they can't afford to purchase it, then can't have it.

Drejk |

Well, as a GM I could be bribed by a group (much less individual players) in certain circumstances. For example, a steady supply of pizzas could overcome my lack of interest in some settings or systems (but there are possible limts to this, there are systems I would be too uncomfortable to GM anyway).

DrGames |
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One of my GM's said in the begining that he takes bribe...i do understand what that mean but i'm not sure I agree with that...
I used it once, i had a deck of many tings, lost 10 000xp...and others bad things (I SWEAR I'LL NEVER TAKE CARD AGAIN! WE SHOULD BURN THAT DECK! WE ALMOST DESTROYED AN ENTIRE TOWN OMFG....enyway...)
So i gave him a McCain chocolat cake and i retrieve my XP'S....
On the spot that sounded good, i was chill with that...but somone else diD it too, in order to have an adamantium armor for almost half of the price and i felt injustice....then I tought: Maybe that's what happen when u do it...when i did it, they all felt the same?
So i'm asking: Would you do it? Or as a GM, do you allow bribes? What do you think about it?
I am assuming it was a joke.
I do use bribery with my players.
My player who scribes the campaign log gets an experience point bonus for doing it.
I bribe my players to stay active in the Campaign with food and prizes.
I encourage creativity and good role-playing by giving out candy treats for noteworthy actions.
I hope they don't take away my GM card!
In service,

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I dont take bribes, but what i do accept is offerings to the Gods of RPGs, since I, being the DM of the group, have taken on the holy mantle of custodian of the game, and have been charged with providing the supplicants with vast amounts of enjoyment and pleasantry.
My holy duty is to ensure that the visitors to the altar of Natural 20s, experience the holy RPG like none other, that the names of previous PCs be spoken of in reverent tones amongst their friends and family, and to be a beckon of hope to those that are down trodden when they the all to familiar phrase Ick, you play DnD?.
I encourage my brethren to shatter the preconceived notion of Nerdy gamer, and instead embrace it, be proud of it, yet be respectful, for the journey has been hard, the sacrifice of many back in the yester-year of gaming, when priests and reverends denounced the game as heretical, demon worshiping, satanical. Where mothers immediately thought of sewers, and people cutting of the limbs of their friends because the dice told me to.
Though that time has come and gone, the burden lingers. It is now our duty to be proud of who we are, and to not be fearful of the ancient days. This is the day of days, brothers and sisters of gaming. This is the day where we are not quiet anymore, where we are no longer meek, nay, we are proud. Proud to know the stats of every class from five different rpg systems, proud to carry a bag of dice, proud to talk about past campaigns and enjoy each others moments of victory in the face of impending defeat.
The game table is the holy altar of natural 20s, the pcs are the supplicants to the gods of RPGs, and the DMs are the custodians of both the gods and the supplicants. When these three join, greatness happens.
I am THE Dungeon Master, and by my will, it is done.

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I've jokingly said I take bribes for years.
When 3e came out and we were all suddenly far more interested in miniatures than we had been previously, I told my players they could bribe me with miniatures... a straight 1xp per $1 spent on minis. A couple of players actually took me up on it! And since everyone benefited, no one complained.

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That would be un-American.
Dude, have you seen our government?
Also, Bribing seems useless to me because I never play characters that cannot perform the s#!+ your pants and run maneuver, nor do I play characters that have any difficulty realizing when they must s#!+ their pants and run.

3.5 Loyalist |

I dont take bribes, but what i do accept is offerings to the Gods of RPGs, since I, being the DM of the group, have taken on the holy mantle of custodian of the game, and have been charged with providing the supplicants with vast amounts of enjoyment and pleasantry.
My holy duty is to ensure that the visitors to the altar of Natural 20s, experience the holy RPG like none other, that the names of previous PCs be spoken of in reverent tones amongst their friends and family, and to be a beckon of hope to those that are down trodden when they the all to familiar phrase Ick, you play DnD?.
I encourage my brethren to shatter the preconceived notion of Nerdy gamer, and instead embrace it, be proud of it, yet be respectful, for the journey has been hard, the sacrifice of many back in the yester-year of gaming, when priests and reverends denounced the game as heretical, demon worshiping, satanical. Where mothers immediately thought of sewers, and people cutting of the limbs of their friends because the dice told me to.
Though that time has come and gone, the burden lingers. It is now our duty to be proud of who we are, and to not be fearful of the ancient days. This is the day of days, brothers and sisters of gaming. This is the day where we are not quiet anymore, where we are no longer meek, nay, we are proud. Proud to know the stats of every class from five different rpg systems, proud to carry a bag of dice, proud to talk about past campaigns and enjoy each others moments of victory in the face of impending defeat.
The game table is the holy altar of natural 20s, the pcs are the supplicants to the gods of RPGs, and the DMs are the custodians of both the gods and the supplicants. When these three join, greatness happens.
I am THE Dungeon Master, and by my will, it is done.
For the dice gods!

3.5 Loyalist |

triomegazero wrote:That would be un-American.Dude, have you seen our government?
Also, Bribing seems useless to me because I never play characters that cannot perform the s#!+ your pants and run maneuver, nor do I play characters that have any difficulty realizing when they must s#!+ their pants and run.
Do you play armoured monks?