Ghast placement in The Vent (Skinsaw Murders)

Rise of the Runelords

I was wondering, where did people place the ghasts that were guarding area B36 below the Manor? From what I can tell, they were supposed to guard the door leading to B37, which is why they didn't scamper off to join the ghouls that attack intruders in the rest of the caverns below the manor.

But did you guy start them down by the door, scattered throughout B36, or at the top of the slope? And do you require them to roll a Climb or Acrobatics check for the slippery conditions, or do you just assume they're "used to it" and let them move normally?

I was wondering about the placement as well and it seems like they should be in front or at least near the door to B37.

As far as the slippery conditions, I wouldn't think they would be used to it, especially since they are fairly new residents and also not too agile or bright to begin with. It would add a bit of fun to see a goblin ghast lunge at a PC only to have it slip and go tumbling into the water.

I ended up having the ghasts roll climb checks and the like. It limited the effectiveness of the ghasts, but also made for some amusing moments. And really, it's more fun to enjoy the game than slaughter the party. (Besides, Aldern really freaked out the party wizard. Up until the sorceress cast Strangling Hair...)

Hmm... missed this thread entirely until now.

Yeah, I started them all at the door.

Let to epic hilarity as the bard cast Grease on one side so those two Ghasts had more than they could handle (one tried the slip-n-slide approach and plummeted to the bottom), and I warned party members that if any party member should slip, they'd end up down below with the ghasts who had fallen.

Made it simultaneously funny and nerve-wracking. Can you ask for anything more?

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