Heroes of Destiny -- an Action Point alternative

Homebrew and House Rules

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

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Heroes of Destiny
This is an optional rule, designed to replace Action Points and reward players for continuity of a character throughout a campaign.

Destiny Pool
A pool of dice is established, starting at 1d6 per player. As long as the player continues with their original character, their d6 remains in the pool. A die is removed permanently from the pool, when one of the original characters leaves the group. If that character later returns, the die is returned to the pool.

Example 1: Five players begin a new campaign. Once the group has reached 7th level, Jim decides that he wants to change characters from Fizbang the Wizard to Moneck the Fighter because he read about a new optimization build on the internet. When Fizbang leaves the party, Jim’s die is removed from the pool.

Example 2: Brian’s character Darq the Impure, dies while investigating a remote temple. The party doesn’t have the resources to raise Darq in the middle of the dungeon, so they preserve his body and swear to bring him back upon returning to the city. Brian’s die is removed from the pool, and he makes a temporary character, Leitz the escaped prisoner, to continue playing with the group until Darq is returned to life. Upon returning to town, Darq is raised and Brian’s die is returned to the pool.

Using the Dice
Players can spend dice from the pool to add to any d20 roll before they know the result. Multiple dice can be used on the same roll if desired. Dice from the Destiny Pool are not re-rolled if an ability, spell or effect allows the player to re-roll the d20.
Dice from the destiny pool can also be used to subtract from any d20 roll that the GM makes, before the result is announced. This is the tide of destiny protecting the heroes from harm.
The dice in the Destiny Pool refresh at the beginning of every session. Dice remaining in the pool do not roll over to future sessions.

Increasing the Die
The dice in the Destiny Pool will improve as the characters gain levels and power.
If none of the dice from the Destiny Pool are used during a session, they can become more powerful. They increase incrementally each session that they are not used. Once a die is drawn from the pool, the Destiny Pool will revert at the beginning of the next session.
Character Level Dice Rolled 1st-7th 1d6 8th-14th 1d8 15th-20th 1d10

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