Halfling's Alternate Racial Trait: Adaptable Luck

Rules Questions

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Advanced Race Guide wrote:
Adaptable Luck: Some halflings have greater control over their innate luck. This ability gives them more options for how they can apply their good fortune from day to day, but also narrows its scope. Three times per day, a halfling can gain a +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If halflings choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. Using adaptive luck in this way is not an action. This racial trait replaces halfling luck.

If you use this after rolling a natural 1 on a save, does it change the result to a 2, meaning you could possibly make the save?

If it's a saving throw, he will always fail on a natural 1, same with an attack roll. This ability doesn't increase the result of the die roll, it's just a bonus you add to the die roll.

The Exchange

Thanks! :)

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