Semi-Annual Dental Visit

Off-Topic Discussions

Went for my semi-annual dental visit today, and I can honestly say my teeth feel cleaner than they ever have. But conversely, it was the most horribly painful cleaning I've ever experienced. I’m sure the woman who performed the procedure was not only old enough to have lived then, but received her training during the late Victorian period in history. Egad… I was practically shouting my blood type in case I needed a transfusion, and if I’d been being questioned I’d have shouted, “Omaha Beach! D-Day! Normandy!” at the top of my lungs. And to add to that, she had an almost Vaudevillian flare for pointing the little rinsing nozzle in the general direction of my mouth and never hitting it once. My eye, my nostrils, my chin, and my right ear were all rinsed quite thoroughly, though. Thank goodness for that.

I actually enjoy going to the dentist, unlike some folks. Granted, up until 1991 I was utterly horrified but after I got past that it’s never been a problem. Now I’m having flashbacks of my dentist from when I was a kid in Batesville, Dr. Bell, who not only had the gentle touch of an epileptic rhinoceros when working on a person’s teeth, but also called the little gas mask the “Bozo Nose”. So there; dentists AND clowns.

I may never sleep again, but spend the rest of my waking life flossing and brushing in an effort to avoid that woman.

Sovereign Court

I am a bit of a cheapskate. When I had to have the wisdom teeth out I thought I'd stay awake to save some money on the procedure. I have to say gas is fricken amazing. As I sat in the chair the john mayer and other soft rock tunes playing overhead went into a strange transformation. These easy going shopping center hits started to blend into some of the 8-bit NES songs I remember from my childhood. It was an amazing symphony that left me feeling quite serene.

Then the Doctor came in. Pulled out a needle that looked like a soda straw and was as long as the guy's arm. I though the damn thing would go out the backside of my head. Days if not weeks later the only pain I felt was were the needle was pushed into my jaw muscle. /shiver

Worst part of it all it turned out I didn't even need the wisdom teeth out. I got to enjoy a root canal 6 weeks later when the pain was still there from the bad tooth. I switched doctors after that but still in the same office. Whenever I go for cleanings I give the doc a dirty look in the hallway.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I may never sleep again, but spend the rest of my waking life flossing and brushing in an effort to avoid that woman.

Hey, at least you only have to go once every six months. I get to go see my dentist (and hygienist) every three months! That's how bad I am!

Well, okay, so I did grow up without fluoridated water, and my mother does have really soft teeth too. But I drink way too much soda.

5 implants (and waiting for the jawbone to heal from the last extraction) plus um 12 (I think) root canals later... all I can say is,

"Love your hygienist, Dungeonmaster Cal, love her; for she is all that stands in the way of doom!"


aatea wrote:

"Love your hygienist, Dungeonmaster Cal, love her; for she is all that stands in the way of doom!"


I loved the one they let go because they couldn't afford to keep her on... lol

I grew up on well water (no flouridation, as well). And I drink way too much soda, but since I don't drink alcohol anymore and have never smoked, I had to have at least this one bad habit. And my mom had pretty weak teeth, like yours. My sister's teeth were in far worse shape than mine. At 42 she had to get them all pulled and replaced with false teeth.

Pan wrote:
I am a bit of a cheapskate. When I had to have the wisdom teeth out I thought I'd stay awake to save some money on the procedure. I have to say gas is fricken amazing. As I sat in the chair the john mayer and other soft rock tunes playing overhead went into a strange transformation. These easy going shopping center hits started to blend into some of the 8-bit NES songs I remember from my childhood. It was an amazing symphony that left me feeling quite serene.

I had to have the full sedation. They tried to just gas me and pull my cavity-ridden molars manually (this was before I knew I needed to have all four wisdom teeth out and would have had to have surgery anyway), but as soon as the gas kicked in I discovered I had a phobia of losing control of my extremities. I had a panic attack and demanded they turn the gas off.

Scheduled for the full surgery the same day. Came for a preliminary exam a week later and they determined the wisdom teeth were beyond hope and would need to come out as well. About a week after that, ten teeth out. On the upside, in a LOT less pain now, a year and a half later, with several fillings as well. Just need to get two of the worst remaining teeth crowned and I should be done with heavy-duty dentistry for a while.

Liberty's Edge

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When I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago they put me under.

All I remember is breathing in, and then being wheeled into the hall.

A few minutes later a nurse walked by, asked how I was doing, and I replied, "Pretty OK. I'm waiting to get my wisdom teeth removed."

I had no idea it had already happened.

That's pretty much how it happened for me!

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
...I may never sleep again, but spend the rest of my waking life flossing and brushing in an effort to avoid that woman.

Does she have a diploma from the Orin Scrivello School of Dentistry on the wall?

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Andrew Turner wrote:

When I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago they put me under.

All I remember is breathing in, and then being wheeled into the hall.

A few minutes later a nurse walked by, asked how I was doing, and I replied, "Pretty OK. I'm waiting to get my wisdom teeth removed."

I had no idea it had already happened.

Sounds like mine as well. The dentist not doing the surgery was asking me what kinds of books I read and why I don't like Game of Thrones, then asked me to count down from ten. I think I got to seven.

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I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted on the same day, dispite a bit of begging on my part. They didnt out me under or give me any gas just alot of novacane (sp?). Infact I once moaned in pain and the dentist looked at me and said "Dont be a wussy," before applying more novacane. Hooray for Army dentists. It was free though...

I had two impacted ones out, and later on the other two. For the second two, they swabbed my gums, stuck me with novocaine, and basically yanked the teeth out with pliers. Was able to drive home right afterward; no gas, dead limbs, or any of that horror. I'm a sissy insofar as I'd much rather have a few minutes of pain than hours of numbness and/or grogginess.

Not me. Give me the comfortable numbness!

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