Gamer Connection - sub-folders by country

Website Feedback

Just to make it easier for people to find the group they are looking for, I suggest that this sub-forum be broken into either countries or regions (ie North America, UK, Australia, Oceania, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, etc).

Would make this feature much more user friendly, which may result in more traffic.

We've asked for it to be broken down by state before, with non-US stuff getting it's own sub-forum (at the time, at least, the non-US traffic was equivalent or less than a single state's worth), but they didn't want to do that.


There are enough subforums as it is. It doesn't appear to be so full of traffic that this option would be necessary.

There are two issues with this and I've seen this happen on bigger forums like the League of Legends forums.

With the split into regions, it can foster what appears to be a sense of favoritism by the dev to post in certain regions, despite this being untrue. Because of time zone and language difference, it'll look like Paizo only talks to those in the American region and ignore the non-English-speaking regions. That's an image they don't want to foster.

The issue for countries is deciding what countries to use. There are so many counties and leaving any out can be deemed as insulting. Listing some regions as countries can cause a great deal of animosity if mentioned. Kosovo and FYROM are two good examples of this. I remember a couple of years ago on the League of Legends website, Kosovo was labeled as one of the countries in some tournament and some European players lost their shit about it. Like, you think the whiny Monk threads are bad? They had nothing compared to the vitriol and ethnic hate I read in those threads.

So, it's probably for the best that Paizo doesn't separate things by region or country.

This is for the game/player finder sub-forum, though. So one can more easily find a game in their general vicinity, without having to wade through the entire country (or, world, as it were).

Not for the entire forum.

That's kind of an unfounded fear.

I've been on the internet long enough to know that such a fear is unfortunately not unfounded.

Why would the devs even be posting in said forum to foster any kind of favoritism?

They're not posting there now, and even if they did post in a segregated forum, it'd be to find a gaming group in their regional area.

I really think that's a molehill-based mountain you're worried about, but, whatever. It's a moot point, anyhow, since they've stated before that they're not going to do it.

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