Metamagic Feat -- Gluten Free

Homebrew and House Rules

Liberty's Edge

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Starfinder Superscriber

You can prepare foods that are gluten-free

Benefit: Whenever you cast any spell that creates or modifies food (Purify Food and Drink, Goodberry, Create Food and Water, Mage's Magnificient Mansion, etc.), the food you create will be gluten-free.

A gluten-free spell uses a spell slot one level higher than the actual level.

Normal: Foods you create could be just anything! What with all the carnivorous plants in Golarion, even those Goodberries you create might not even be vegetarian!

Special: As a side benefit, for six hours after casting a spell modified by this feat, you gain a +2 on Diplomacy checks on people with Celiac Disease, and +4 on Bluff checks against fans of fad diets.

Sovereign Court

Does this mean we also get a Vegetarian Spell feat? Would it apply to Summon Monster? Ooooh, monsters with Plant immunities...

Dark Archive

I don't think you need to use a higher level spell slot. Spending one of your feat slots is enough punishment.

This might be a trait instead. Say, a metamagic trait?

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Feat: Vegetarian
Requirements: Profession (cook) 5+, knowledge (nature) 5+, Survival 5+
Benefit: Upon a successful intimidation check, creatures of the plant type gain the Panicked condition, even if normally immune to mind affecting effects.

Sovereign Court

Shouldn't the Vegetarian feat also allow you to use Profession (Cook) instead of Intimidate to demoralize plants?

I got a good laught out of this. 4 or 5 years ago I had never even heard of gluten-free food. Now I have a nephew with Celiac so it is very much on the mind at family gatherings. Too bad there isn't actually a spell for this or perhaps a "make gluten-free food taste good" spell to go along with this feat.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Ha! You win one internet, rknop!

This is getting added to my Iron Chef prestige class as a bonus feat option.

Awesome. Now we just need Low Sodium [metamagic] and something for the diabetic spellcasters.

Also, new spells. Let's see... Remove Traces of Peanut...Detect High Fructose Corn Syrup...

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Great thread :)

This is the single greatest use of creative output i have ever seen...I'm serious;)

I thought these effects could be applied a posteriori via purify food and drink.

This is a feat tax for Celiac characters! >:(

(Yes, I have this problem IRL)

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Threeshades wrote:
I thought these effects could be applied a posteriori via purify food and drink.


You ain't applyin' purify food and drink to nobody's posterior!

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