Majestic8705 |
I have a question about how metamagic feats work with regarding spontaneous domain casting spells.
Specifically, I'm looking at the Storm Druid archetype. As I'm sure we all know, the Druid is normally a prepared casting class. However, the Storm Druid gives up the animal companion for the ability to spontaneously cast spells from their domain (as well as some other tricks).
I'm wondering how metamagic feats work in relation to this ability to spontaneously cast a select number of spells. As I understand it, if one were a spontaneous caster and wanted to cast a metamagiced spell, they would have to sacrifice a casting of an appropriately higher level spell.
However, a prepared caster has to prepare their spells ahead of time and instead of preparing a spell of the appropriate level, they prepare a lower level spell that has been metamagiced.
So as I see it, there are three possible answers...spontaneous domain casters cannot metamagic their spontaneous spells (because the rules don't seem to outright say they can); they can prepare a metamagiced spell of appropriate level and 'lose' that casting to cast their domain spell spontaneously; or they can just prepare their spells as normal and spontaneously decree they are casting a lower level spell metamagiced by sacrificing an appropriately higher level spell they prepared as usual.
I'm inclined to think the third one makes the most sense...but I'm hardly an expert on these things (I've never really had a caster reach a point where metamagic becomes relevant...my current PFS Druid might reach that point though...eventually XP).

Lathiira |

You can still cast a spell spontaneously with metamagic, but you must lose a higher level spell slot to do so. Let's say you want to cast an extended call lightning. That would normally require a 4th level spell slot. So you'd have to sack a prepared 4th level spell slot in order to spontaneously cast this extended call lightning.