Druid With Growth Domain Righteous Might DR

Rules Questions

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Okay, so the growth subdomain of the plant Domain grants the spell Righteous Might, which gives some form of DR. What kind of DR it gives is as follows:

RM DR stuff:

You gain DR 5/evil (if you normally channel positive energy Editor's Note: If you are an oracle see FAQ above right) or Damage Reduction 5/good (if you normally channel negative energy Editor's Note: If you are an oracle see FAQ above right)

That FAQ at the above right it mentions says that Oracles choose theirs based on whether they chose to get free cure or inflict spells at level 1. But what does a Druid with the Growth Subdomain get? I'm tempted to say it's based on alignment, but then what does a True Neutral Druid get?

A True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, or Lawful Neutral Druid would get to choose which DR to use (assuming they're not also a cleric or oracle) the first time they cast it. They would not get to choose each time they cast it. Consistency is really the only important thing.

That said, if you're not an evil druid, DR/Evil makes the most sense - druids are a very life-based class, and only get cure spells, not inflict spells.

I'm tempted to say base it on alignment, and on a NN Druid they would choose which way it went, but only once. There after it would be set.

However, what if that Druid then becomes NE or NG and had choosen the opposing DR previously....I'm not sure how to adjudicate that.

Same way as a cleric that does the same Claxon - it will change (as would the channeling of a NN -> NG cleric who originally chose to channel negative).

Nothing RAW here, but there is a very strong emphasis on consistency for these type of effects.

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