The Littlest Outsider

Rules Questions

When you think of the tiny devil sent to tempt someone, you think of an imp. I'm curious, is there a good-version? a good-aligned little outsider that talks to you or could be used as a familiar, etc.?

And are there smaller outsiders than the imp, or is that the weakest, tiniest variant available?

Pretty much, if I want an angel and devil to sit on someone's shoulders and whisper to them Faust-style, what would I use?

Silvanshee Agathion?

I had to look this one up. Now I want to planar bind one of these AND an imp so I can have one on each shoulder.

Lyrakien Azatas?

A Lantern Archon comes pretty close to what you're asking, although it is admittedly less exotic than Rynjin's suggestion.

It's also small rather than tiny. You know what? Forget I said anything.


The Silvanshee seems to accomplish the intent of what the OP is asking for, but the Lyrakien is CG versus the Imp's LE, making it a better foil for the Imp. Also it's roughly human-shaped, the better to stand on your shoulder and try to persuade you to the path of good.

Now I want to see one of these and an Imp argue about morality, but on the Law/Chaos axis.

Silver Crusade

Cassisian Angels to complete the good set. :)

Small rather than Tiny though.

I really wish the Moingos were in Pathfinder. You could have them debate Pi VS Evil with imps.

All of the options below can be gained with the Improved Familiar feat with an appropriate alignment and enough levels. This list only includes Paizo first-party options. (I may have missed some.) Note that the Quasit entry in the link doesn't indicate the rules for gaining one as a familiar, but they are created as familiars, according to the flavor text.

Good tiny outsiders that can be taken as familiars:
LG: Harbinger Archon is an LG tiny outsider (archon).
NG: Silvanshee is an NG tiny outsider (agathion).
CG: Lyrakien is a CG tiny outsider (azata).

Neutral tiny outsiders that can be taken as familiars:
N: Nosoi is an N tiny outsider (psychopomp).
LN: Arbiter is a LN tiny outsider (inevitable).
LN: Shikigami is an LN tiny native outsider (kami).
CN: Voidworm is a CN tiny outsider (protean).

Evil tiny outsiders that can be taken as familiars:
LE: Auger is an LE tiny outsider (kyton).
LE: Imp is an LE tiny outsider (devil).
LE: Raktavarna is an LE tiny native outsider (rakshasa).
LE: Spirit Oni is a LE tiny native outsider (oni).
LE: Tripurasura is an LE tiny outsider (asura).
NE: Cacodaemon is an NE tiny outsider (daemon).
NE: Doru is an NE tiny outsider (div).
CE: Cythnigot is a CE tiny outsider (qlippoth).
CE: Quasit is a CE tiny outsider (demon).

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