PFS Cavalier question


The goal is to make a Beast Rider Cavalier dual classed with the Musket Master Gunslinger. The big question is there a way around regaining the Expert Trainer ability (for the Horse Master feat) or getting a feat like the Horse Master feat so my mount will not suffer from the dual classing. Honestly looking for any PFS legal ideas to keep the mount at full strength while dual classing.

The ultimate goal is to have a big bad mount to keep between me and the BBG while I light it up with a musket. Considering the Luring Cavalier archetype too for the range type build.

Right now liking the idea of a grizzly bear in full plate, any other mount options I should consider?

Silver Crusade

Check the Boon Companion feat. It allows non-cavalier levels (up to 4) to count toward your Animal Companion's advancement.

Yep, boon companion will be your best bet as a feat I think. It will give you 4 levels to dual class with and keep your mount at full strength.

That will do it! Thank you very much!

New question on this topic:

For the beast rider new mount options are granted at levels 4 &7. Will the Boon Compaion feat alter this? Meaning musket master 4/ beast rider cavalier 1, would have a level 5 animal Companion that could be chosen from the level 4 mount list. Followed by Musket Master 4/ beast rider 3 could be chosen from the level 7 mount list.

Or would it be a level 5 animal companion that still is from the level 1 mount list?

Boon Companion

Prerequisites: Animal companion or familiar class feature.

Benefit: The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were 4 levels higher, to a maximum effective druid level equal to your character level. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one to receive this benefit. If you lose or dismiss an animal companion or familiar that has received this benefit, you may apply this feat to the replacement creature.

No, the boon companion levels will not count towards your animal companion options, as the animal companion options are a class feature, and thus specifically depend on your cavalier level, not on the effective level of your companion.

Thank you.
That is what I thought.

Shadow Lodge

keith goudreau wrote:
The ultimate goal is to have a big bad mount to keep between me and the BBG while I light it up with a musket.

Unless you dip a LOT into Gunslinger (or buy feats), your Grit pool is going to suck.

Ask yourself whether or not forfeiting Challenge advancement is worth it.

Option: Samurai...and just fire away from atop your mount while riding circles around foes; any that get close you Challenge (and cream with Keen samurai blades).

keith goudreau wrote:

New question on this topic:

For the beast rider new mount options are granted at levels 4 &7. Will the Boon Compaion feat alter this? Meaning musket master 4/ beast rider cavalier 1, would have a level 5 animal Companion that could be chosen from the level 4 mount list. Followed by Musket Master 4/ beast rider 3 could be chosen from the level 7 mount list.

Or would it be a level 5 animal companion that still is from the level 1 mount list?

Believe we talked today, but there's a two part answer to this:

a) Boon companion does *not* make additional mounts available to you earlier. So it's only at *cavalier* level 4 that your mount options expand.
b) Beast rider has a clause "A beast rider cannot choose a mount that is not capable of bearing his weight." This has been interpreted/ruled to mean that a medium beast rider cannot typically select its 4th level mount until 7th level (when its additional selections become size large/gain their 7th level advancement), as it cannot ride that mount. However, with boon companion, your mount would gain its 7th level advancement earlier, as that particular ability is an animal companion ability that operates at your effective druid level. Therefore, taking at least 3 levels of gunslinger, boon companion, and at least 4 levels of beast rider would make you eligible for the 4th level beast rider mounts, as you'd be level 4 beast rider, and level 7 for your effective druid level.

Or at least, that's my take on things!

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