Chemlak |

I see two possible reasons, but I have no clue which is right.
1) typographical error after "claim hexes" and "abandon hexes" were combined into step 2 "claim and abandon hexes", and all of the later steps were meant to drop by 1, but didn't.
2) there is actually a missing step.
I'll try to dig out the older rules to see if they make it more obvious.

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So if it's a numbering error, then that means all the steps after step 2 need to be rolled back by one. I was reading the example in the Edict Phase and it seems the example follows suit with the phases being messed up. I don't know for sure. I'm hoping someone who knows beyond the shadow of a doubt will chime in and let us know whats going on.

QuarryQuickhammer |
I have a question about the Ultimate Campaign leadership statistics. Does all the bonuses that come from the leadership roles stack on the kingdom sheet. So if the ruler has a 9 for an economy bonus and the marshal has an 8. Would the leadership bonus for the kingdom be 17? And then does it stack for buildings in settlements and kingdoms?
In the Leader Statistics section. pg 201 it states
Benefit: This explains the benefit to your kingdom if you
have a character in this role. If you have the Leadership
feat, increase this benefit by 1.
So this tells me that if any of the leadership roles have leadership they get a +1 added on to their bonus
Also in the Ruler section. pg 201 it states
"Benefit: Choose one kingdom attribute (Economy, Loyalty, or Stability).
Add your Charisma modifier to this attribute.If your kingdom’s Size is 26–100, choose a second kingdom attribute and add your Charisma modifier to it as well. If your kingdom’s Size is 101 or more, choose a third kingdom attribute and add your Charisma modifier to it too.
If you have the Leadership feat, the bonus from the feat
applies to all kingdom attributes you affect (one, two, or
three attributes, depending on the kingdom’s Size).
I am Ruler so i will choose economy for instance Cha Mod +7 Kingdom size is small so only one attribute. I have the leadership feat so i add my leadership score of 16 (lvl 7 + cha 7 + Great Renown 2 = 16) so im adding a cha modifier twice(ruler benefit because it says to. cha mod 7 + leadership score 16 = 23
Now im not adding in the first leadership bonus of +1 cause the ruler has its own calculation listed for leadership Bonus.
Is this correct or am i not seeing something?

Yora |

This seems rather wrong...
So you are a level 7 character with Charisma 24 and you are the Ruler of a small kingdom with a size of 25 or lower, correct?
If you chose Economy, you add your Charisma modifier of +7 to the Kingdoms Economy score, plus another +1 because you have the Leadership feat.
If your kingdom reaches a size of 26 or higher, you can also chose Stability or Loyalty and then also aply the +8 bonus to one of them.
If your kingdom has a size greater than 100, you add the +8 to Economy, Loyalty, and Stability.

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This seems rather wrong...
So you are a level 7 character with Charisma 14 and you are the Ruler of a small kingdom with a size of 25 or lower, correct?
If you chose Economy, you add your Charisma modifier of +7 to the Kingdoms Economy score, plus another +1 because you have the Leadership feat.
If your kingdom reaches a size of 26 or higher, you can also chose Stability or Loyalty and then also aply the +8 bonus to one of them.
If your kingdom has a size greater than 100, you add the +8 to Economy, Loyalty, and Stability.
Rulers, for obvious reasons, have a more apparent impact on the kingdom's statistics than any other leadership role. Also, you presumably mean 24 Cha, not 14? Otherwise, that might be the source of your problem... ^^

Yora |

Since there is never any mention of "add the highest bonus of any of your Leaders", I would assume that you add all of them.
After all, there is about a dozen positions you have to fill to avoid any nasty penalties, but only three Kingdom stats you can add to.
Even if you play a Point Buy 15 game, were most leaders can only bring in a +2 or +3 bonus, you can add up quite a nice bonus to your final score, with all their combined ones.

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Lots of it is already on d20pfsrd.com
You'll notice that the Edict Phase as listed on d20pfsrd.com is identical to the wording in UCam. Right down to the missing Step 3.
Edict Phase of Kingdom Building on d20pfsrd.com
This is why I am confused. We really need someone to step up and set this straight. Guess we'll probably have to end up waiting for the errata to be compiled.