Channel negative - Undeath domain

Rules Questions

Bit confused by the wording of the variant effects for the undeath domain

Undeath domain:
Heal—This works like a standard channel (not halved).
Harm—The healing effect is enhanced (see Variant Channeling above) for undead creatures and those with negative energy affinity.

So, my reading is that using negative energy to HEAL undead does the full healing amount ("not halved") and when using to HARM the living does half damage but.... um.... HEALS undead again ("healing effect is enhanced"??

OR is this a double-negative (excuse the pun), and the heal and harm effects should be reversed, which would read:-

Harm - This works like a standard channel (damage to living not halved)
Heal - The healing effect is enhanced (+50%)for undead creatures and those with negative energy affinity.

Any clarification would be great,



I assume someone messed up the editing there, since enhancing the healing on undead when using Channel to harm doesn't do ANYTHING (0+50% = 0).

I thus assume that the text of Harm and Heal were switched around.

Heal: +50% on undead/those with affinity
Harm: normal damage.

Though there are also a few other possible ways it could have been meant to be, that is the easiest and most fitting.
But an definite answer can only be given by devs/errata.
(RAW it does currently nothing at all.)

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