Dual Wielding Blowguns

Rules Questions

So, I have someone that wants to do this... Yea, I know.

I have done a little google-fu, and I see where competition level blow-guns typically range from 4ft to 9ft in length, however, in Japan one is allowed to practice with tubes that are under 2ft in length.

So, some questions.

Does the pathfinder range increment of 20 ft indicate a certain blowgun length?

Could these blowguns be small enough to dual wield?

Reloading issues? They're pretty small in diameter, If they weren't to cumbersomely long, I could see being able to reload them without dropping one to the ground...

Normal TWF penalties apply?

Wold the fact that you have to blow into them both be an issue?

Appreciate any thoughts anyone might have.


I don't see the point.

Projectile weapons require two hands unless the specific weapon's description says otherwise. Blowgun does not, so it requires two hands.

One blowgun used with two hands and you can take a full-attack action. Having another blowgun in the other hand wouldn't realistically let you attack more often, but would make reloading problematic, and would be against the rules.

TWF allows one extra melee attack, but fortunately Pathfinder includes a nearly identical ability for ranged attacks: Rapid Shot. It allows the same number of extra attacks (one) and the same attack penalty (-2) but it works with ranged weapons instead of melee weapons.

It's all you really need.

If your player is really hung up on having two of them because he likes the cool factor, let him fluff it that way, but he still needs Rapid Shot if wants ONE extra attack, and nobody will really care whether his shots come from his left blowgun or his right blowgun, at least until he has two different magical blowguns.

In fact, Two Weapon Fighting has no such restriction against using ranged weapons. In theory, you could use both TWF and Rapid shot- usually you see this on knife-throwing builds.

No idea about the two-handed thing for blowguns, though.

Silver Crusade

One thing to keep in mind, while you may have two hands, you only have one mouth. I think it would be very difficult to use two blowguns at once in the same mouth.

Elyas pretty much says it for me.

How on earth would you even load them?

DM_Blake wrote:
TWF allows one extra melee attack, but fortunately Pathfinder includes a nearly identical ability for ranged attacks: Rapid Shot. It allows the same number of extra attacks (one) and the same attack penalty (-2) but it works with ranged weapons instead of melee weapons.

Bzzt, wrong. TWF doesn't limit you to a melee attack. You can TWF with thrown weapons such as daggers or shuriken, and you can TWF with certain ranged launchers such as 1-h firearms, crossbows, and slings. The thing in question here, though, is whether a blowgun can be used one-handed or two-handed. A side point, in addition, is, even if it's one-handed, can you use a second one in conjunction considering it also occupies your single (for most races) mouth? From reviewing the applicable weapons, I find that the rule of thumb is that you presume that it's a 2-h weapon for your size unless there is a specific exception; though it isn't explicitly stated, it can be inferred from related rules. For example, Heavy and Light crossbows allow you to both wield in one hand and use two via TWF with penalties; heavies take -4 when used in 1 hand and TWF as 1-h weapons while lights take -2 and TWF as light weapons. Hand Crossbows and Kestros can be fired in one hand and the hand crossbow specifies it can TWF as a light weapon (the kestros, while not explicitly stated so, presumably works in the same way). Bows, by contrast, specify they must be fired with two hands "regardless of size". This would imply that a bow (a longbow, at least) is a 2-h weapon by default and, even if a medium creature wielded a small longbow, it would be a 1-h weapon but still must be fired with both hands; even a tiny longbow as a light weapon must be fired with both hands. A shortbow may be considered a 1-h weapon by default. Lastly, the blowgun; it doesn't specify one way or another, but given the precedent of the bow using two hands regardless of actual size, it's reasonable to presume that you can't dual-wield blowguns because of the mouth limitation. If it's determined to require both hands for a correct-sized one, you may be able to get away with one-handing a size smaller blowgun and wielding some other weapon as an off-hand (ie. a melee weapon, hand crossbow, thrown weapon, etc).

But, as you said, TWF isn't even needed; just take Rapid Shot to get one extra attack and that should be more than enough, considering you can always full-attack with a weapon such as this so you're always going to be able to get off your attacks; not to mention it's more for administering poison at a distance than any significant damage.

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