help with a PFS character that is legal



I'm new to the whole PFS thing and I'm not sure if my char is building right to be able to play in the organized play stuff.

also i'm still coming up with background ideas so any help would be welcome!

Farilli character info:
Full Name: Farilliana Brocandus
Race: Half-elf
Classes/Levels: Rogue level 1
Gender: Female
Size: Medium
Age: 26
Special Abilities: sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding, low-light vision, adaptability (skill focus:Bluff), elf blood, elven immunities, keen senses, multi-talented(rogue+bard), weapon finnesse, weapon prof. light -all, rogue weapon prof., armor prof. light
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Calistra
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc
Homepage URL: (the full char sheet)
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 14
Additional info:
Character Traits:
"Freed" slave(will+1)-after the death of her master she "freed" herself by finding and destroying the documents of her purchase.
Savant (perform[sing]+2)-duties as a slave/barmaid included entertaining guests of the establishment.

tall and willowy, this former slave/barmaid is deceptively sweet-looking at first glance but upon further inspection she has a sarcastic interior that causes those who travel with her for long periods of time to either love or hate her. she has long choppy blond hair and the slightly pointed features of her half-elven heritage, but most notably are her jade green eyes that are constantly flashing with either humor or anger.

sarcastic, and slightly narcissistic, but not totally arrogant. finds lots of things humorous, and has little respect for authority. despite being a former slave, she doesn't feel like she needs to free all slaves, though she does feel pity for them.

Sczarni faction (pathfinders)

Silver Crusade

a quick and dirty PFS unwritten rule is to start a melee character with a 14 CON.


hmmm but that would mean taking more off of other abilities which I need more as a rogue

Farilli the Freed Songbird wrote:
hmmm but that would mean taking more off of other abilities which I need more as a rogue

contrary to popular belief rogues dont actually need Int or charisma they are completely RP stats for a rogue where as Dex Con and Wis are tied to the rogues actual survival. that being said if you have your int and cha like that because you want to play a more social and intellegent rogue then go for it. rules wise your completely legal. your will be a tiny bit low on hit points but thats nothing some smart playing and maybe the toughness feat cant fix.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I'd recommend either swapping the 12 and 14 in CON and INT, or going 14 CON, 10 INT, and 10 WIS (your Will saves are awfully weak, but it's good that you're shoring that up with a trait).

What do you plan to get out of multi-classing with Bard?


I totally agree with Asterial... As for Con... Some of the missions are brutal...

Stats you want High are gonna Be Wisdom Dex and Con

is the build legal

get to the rest of the advice after that

I do not see anything that jumps out at me that is illegal in the build, though I was not terribly thorough

make sure you have access/ownership of the books/materials/pdfs that are the sources for any of the items you have chosen, mainly

Looks good to me. A 12 CON is fine for PFS. My first character was a bard with an 11 CON, and he's only died once in 9 levels so far. You can shore it up with either ability bumps at later levels, or just get a belt of constitution later. The Toughness feat, if it can be worked in will help too.

Lowering WIS isn't the best, but to add to the background of the character, it fits well IMO. Again, a feat, Iron Will, or a headband with WIS will help shore up that negative. Or, of course, there's the ever present cloak of resistance that helps all the saves.

The main thing I've found is, build the character you WANT to play, not the one folks tell you you HAVE to play. PFS can be a lot of fun overall.


ok lol i'm big on RP stuff and I like playing a clever, resourceful rogue, and don't mind having the low will saves (sometimes when you fail a will save funny things happen and I personally don't mind)

as for the con and int swapping i need the extra points for skills I like being able to have more skill points to allocate.

oh and just to clarify i'm new to the Pathfinder Society play but not to D&D or to Pathfinder in general, I really just wanted to know If I was putting anything in that wasn't legal for organized play so thanks for the help guys ^_^


Sniggevert wrote:

Looks good to me. A 12 CON is fine for PFS. My first character was a bard with an 11 CON, and he's only died once in 9 levels so far. You can shore it up with either ability bumps at later levels, or just get a belt of constitution later. The Toughness feat, if it can be worked in will help too.

Lowering WIS isn't the best, but to add to the background of the character, it fits well IMO. Again, a feat, Iron Will, or a headband with WIS will help shore up that negative. Or, of course, there's the ever present cloak of resistance that helps all the saves.

The main thing I've found is, build the character you WANT to play, not the one folks tell you you HAVE to play. PFS can be a lot of fun overall.


To be kinda frank....multiclassing Rogue and Bard is generally not going to be the best idea. Further, your stat spread would be much stronger for a straight Bard than a character who is mostly a Rogue, although I'd probably still change things up unless you're willing to wait to invest in an Agile weapon.

If you're going to insist on staying straight Rogue, even with a social bent, here's what I'd recommend

Str: 12 (You will appreciate the extra carrying capacity and the ability to wear the heaviest in-class armor)

Dex: 16 (This may hurt a little at first, but the greater survivability will be worth it.)

Con: 14 OR 13 (Enough said)

Int: 11 OR 12 (You really, really shouldn't need the skill point here, and if you do it'll be easy enough to invest a level-up at level 4 in it.

Wis: 12 OR 13 (If you drop your Int lower, you can put that point here to shore up your Will save)

Cha: 14 (TBH, I'd drop this lower normally, but I'm trying to keep to your preferred stat array for concept as much as possible.)

That said, going with a straight Bard you'll still have plenty of skill points that can be invested in "rougue-y" skills, but you can safely stick closer to your planned stat array. As a Bard, here's what I'd do:

Str: 10 (You'll be wanting to use spells and Performance to make this up, along with Weapon Finesse and Agile weapon later on.)

Dex: 18 (Absolutely doable now that we're able to dump Wisdom without seriously hurting Will)

Con: 14 (Still going to want HP)

Int: 12 OR 10 (An extra skill point doesn't hurt, but you may want to emphasize Charisma even more and build around your class abilities to get more out of your skill points)

Wis: 8 (Strong Will save makes Wisdom less of a priority, although you'll still be feeling this for your first few levels.)

Cha: 14 OR 15 (More rounds of Performance per day means you're combat-capable longer.)


oh well the bard was actually a background thought I originally wanted to have her be a multiclass rogue and oracle but I wasn't sure if Oracle was a legal class.

Silver Crusade

Lamontius brings up a good point too...make sure you own the book/guide/pdf that all your "stuff" comes from. That's what makes it PFS Legal.

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WOW - someone that wants to RP in PFS... Never thought I'd see that.
Any chance you can relocate to Australia and show them how it's done?

if you are unsure what is legal and what is not, start with this:

Consult the official Paizo page on what is PFS Legal or not


@ Rands- haha no I don't think relocating to Australia would work lol (not that I wouldn't want to it would be awesome but alas I haven't got the money XD)

@ Lamontius- thanks for someone finally letting me know where I can look to see what is legal or not!

Check out the Players Resources page as well.

There, you can download the free PFS Guide to Organized Play, which will help to get you on the way to more information


thanks for everyone's Advice I appreciate it and will use it with my own discretion.

Savant isn't a PFS legal trait.

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