Is +1 glamored armor always available?

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 5/5

Sort of says it all in the title. Specifically I have a fighter that has +1 full plate and wants (needs) to add glamor to it but doesn't have the fame required unless it is always available.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


May I ask why you think it would be? Just curious if we need to request Mike to make the Guide more clearer on the subject.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:


May I ask why you think it would be? Just curious if we need to request Mike to make the Guide more clearer on the subject.

+1 armor is always available, glamor isn't a plus equivalent upgrade, it is a cost only upgrade, 2700 gp. So I was unsure whether the armor was always available or not.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Todd Lower wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:


May I ask why you think it would be? Just curious if we need to request Mike to make the Guide more clearer on the subject.

+1 armor is always available, glamor isn't a plus equivalent upgrade, it is a cost only upgrade, 2700 gp. So I was unsure whether the armor was always available or not.

I see what you are saying.

That said, the guide states just +1 armor is always available, Glamored +1 armor is not just +1 armor, so it is not always available.

Edit: Though like I said I see your point and I think it is a good candidate for Mike to look into making more clearer in the guide. To tell you the truth, even though I am confident my answer is correct based on my PFS knowledge, I could be wrong *shrugs* and the intent of the rule may allow what you are looking for.

The Exchange 4/5

I agree with Dragnmoon that it's not always available, however it could easily be read either way.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I'd say no.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

If glamered was always available, then weapons with the dueling quality (+14,000 gp) would be too, which seems a bit unlikely.


+1 armor is always available. Once you start adding any additional enhancements, you have to have enough fame (and gold) to purchase the total cost of the item. It's in the guide, but I don't have time to find the exact quote right now.

Shadow Lodge

Benrislove wrote:
I agree with Dragnmoon that it's not always available, however it could easily be read either way.

Actually, it can't be "read either way"; the fact that it's not priced as a enhancement bonus has literally no bearing on whether or not it's "always available". By the logic being used to question this, if +1 glamered is "always available", then so is +1 benevolent, and +1 balanced, and +1 heavy fortification, and +1 anything.

The Exchange 4/5

I agree with you, however I stand by the wording being ambigous since the item is still a +1 item.

+1 Adamantine full plate is ~18,000 gp and always available.

I'm just saying it's not about the cost of thing, I think it should be cost restricted, say... 3000 but it's not.

Again I believe it's not always available, I also believe it could be clearer.

4/5 *

Adamantine is a special material, Glamered is a magical enhancement. Special materials (other than dragonhide) are called out as always available. The only magical enhancement that is always available is +1.

Shadow Lodge

Benrislove wrote:

I agree with you, however I stand by the wording being ambigous since the item is still a +1 item.

+1 Adamantine full plate is ~18,000 gp and always available.

I'm just saying it's not about the cost of thing, I think it should be cost restricted, say... 3000 but it's not.

Again I believe it's not always available, I also believe it could be clearer.

Except that it's not "+1 armor", it's "+1 glamered armor", so no, it's not ambiguous when you consider the whole item, and not just one component. I honestly cannot see this legitimately being confused by someone who actually sits down and reads the GtPFSOP.

The OP somehow thought that the fact that since glamered isn't priced as a bonus somehow meant it "didn't count"; being priced as a +2 bonus isn't the line, and there's nothing that remotely insinuates that. +1 glamered armor does NOT count as +1 armor, any more than +1 heavy fortification armor does (remember, abilities priced as a bonus aren't actually bonuses, so even with that armor being priced as +6, it's still "+1 armor" just as much as the glamered armor).

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I'd rather the Guide be edited to clarify whether upgrading a masterwork item to +1 is always available, instead of this. +1 glamored full plate is not always available.

The Exchange 4/5

You're right it's 100% clear and impossible for anyone to misinterpret.

I haven't possibly been asked that same question 10+ times....

Your argument that it doesn't work is clear, concise and accurate.

Your argument that it can't be misinterpreted and is perfectly clear is blatantly proven wrong by real world occurrences.

Nothing you type can change the fact that people have asked the question, and some people read it as "all +1 items are legal" instead of "all items with no more than a +1 enhancement are legal"

Grand Lodge 4/5

Whereas, it should be read as "Adding the +1 enhancement bonus to armor, shields and weapons is always available."

Although that probably opens another can of worms, since it would open up the ability to make dragonhide armor and firearms +1 without needing more Fame (or 2 PP, as the case depends) than needed to buy the basic item.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Over in the Rules Questions forum, someone recently asked whether spells counted as types of skills.

The Guide is not unclear.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Benrislove wrote:

You're right it's 100% clear and impossible for anyone to misinterpret.

I haven't possibly been asked that same question 10+ times....

Your argument that it doesn't work is clear, concise and accurate.

Your argument that it can't be misinterpreted and is perfectly clear is blatantly proven wrong by real world occurrences.

Nothing you type can change the fact that people have asked the question, and some people read it as "all +1 items are legal" instead of "all items with no more than a +1 enhancement are legal"

A +1 Flaming Longsword is not a +1 Item. Its a +1 Flaming item.

There is no ambiguity in this.

If people want to read ambiguity into this, they are doing one of two things:

Willful Ignorance about how the rules of the game works - or -
They are new to the system and don't understand how the game works.

In either case, you:

Slap the Willful Ignorant upside the head and say, "Dude, seriously?"

- or -

Explain nicely to the newby how the game system works.

Regardless why the question is being asked, there is no ambiguity in this.

The guide is already over 50 pages, lets not add another 50 in useless and redundant re-explanation just so that people can't choose to be willfully ignorant.

At some point we have to draw a line in the sand... if people choose to not understand the game rules for the sake of power gaming, that isn't the fault of the Guide.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Andrew Christian wrote:

Slap the Willful Ignorant upside the head and say, "Dude, seriously?"

- or -

Explain nicely to the newby how the game system works.

Wait, you mean I shouldn't be slapping newbies around every week?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:

Slap the Willful Ignorant upside the head and say, "Dude, seriously?"

- or -

Explain nicely to the newby how the game system works.

Wait, you mean I shouldn't be slapping newbies around every week?


Shadow Lodge

Andrew, Jiggy, that's precisely what I was getting at. When I said "actually read" the Guide, I didn't just mean just reading the words; I meant actually reading them for comprehension.

In my experience, people who have to have the simple things explained to them haven't actually spent the time to read the entirety of the section in question, or are seeking some loophole to get what they want before they should have access to it. No amount of extra words is going to make EITHER group stop asking these questions.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

SCPRedMage wrote:
No amount of extra words is going to make EITHER group stop asking these questions.

Yup, precisely my point in my rant above.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's very clear.

What is "Always Available" is exactly and only the items on that list, without any modifications to those items.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Andrew Christian wrote:

If people want to read ambiguity into this, they are doing one of two things:

Willful Ignorance about how the rules of the game works - or -
They are new to the system and don't understand how the game works.

There is a 3rd category you are omitting: Difference of opinion.

We've all been wrong at one time or another. Sometimes you interpret the rules in a different way from someone else at the table, and sometimes they are the ones who are right. That's the problem with not only the English language in general, but also anything written. How many different sects of Christianity are there? They all believe their interpretation of the Bible is correct, but they can't all be right. It's no different with the rules to Pathfinder. I doubt anyone in this thread agrees 100% with anyone else about every rule ever made.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Nefreet wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:

If people want to read ambiguity into this, they are doing one of two things:

Willful Ignorance about how the rules of the game works - or -
They are new to the system and don't understand how the game works.

There is a 3rd category you are omitting: Difference of opinion.

We've all been wrong at one time or another. Sometimes you interpret the rules in a different way from someone else at the table, and sometimes they are the ones who are right. That's the problem with not only the English language in general, but also anything written. How many different sects of Christianity are there? They all believe their interpretation of the Bible is correct, but they can't all be right. It's no different with the rules to Pathfinder. I doubt anyone in this thread agrees 100% with anyone else about every rule ever made.

I know it sounds arrogant... but...

In this instance, there is no ambiguity, so difference of Opinion from an experienced player is simply willful ignorance.

a +1 Item is exactly that.

Anything else is not a +1 Item. It is a +1 Item with extras.

Since the Guide says +1 Item, not +1 Item with extras, then there really is no other way to read it or interpret it.

Lets not confuse the issue here please, by suggesting that there is another valid interpretation of the very specific rule about +1 weapons and armor being considered always available.

There isn't another valid interpretation, and to suggest otherwise is allowing for willful ignorance.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Oh, no, as I already stated above, +1 glamored full plate is not always available. I wasn't arguing that. I was just adding that, in general, there are three categories that players may fall in, not just the two you mentioned.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Nefreet wrote:
Oh, no, as I already stated above, +1 glamored full plate is not always available. I wasn't arguing that. I was just adding that, in general, there are three categories that players may fall in, not just the two you mentioned.

In general, I agree with you.

For this situation, I didn't mention the 3rd, because it didn't apply.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

@ Todd Lower: Not busting your chops here. I know you asked the question with legitimate intent.


In this case, I think Andrew was right. The guide is very specific in this case.

The Guide wrote:

• +1 weapons (2,000 gp + 300 for the masterwork weapon

cost + item cost)
• +1 armor (1,000 gp + 150 for the masterwork armor cost
+ item cost)
• +1 shields (1,000 gp + 150 for the masterwork armor
cost + item cost)

It lists out the actual costs for what constitutes an always available weapon or armor.

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