Devastation Bob |

I am replacing a switch-hitter ranger who was part of a TPK. Thinking about sorcerer since the new group will not have any arcane casting, but as i'm new to spell-casters (played a wizard once, didn't like it) let along building one at 4th level I thought i'd ask for some help. Arcane bloodline seems to be the way to go and since I don't want to waste the metamagic abiltiy, I was wondering which one would be good to start out with. Any other suggestions for a 4th lvl build would be appreciated as well.


(played a wizard once, didn't like it)
Depending on why you didn't like the Wizard, you may not like the Sorcerer either. They're pretty similar in many aspects.
Extend is nice if you're a buffer.
Heighten is always good for a Sorcerer, though rarely spectacularly so.
Still can't be put on a metamagic rod, so there's a case for that.
Any other suggestions for a 4th lvl build would be appreciated as well.
I like the False Focus feat, as it makes some of the costly spells a bit more feasible for a Sorc.

Rory |
Topple Spell - Trip your foes and do damage with Magic Missile.
Elemental Spell Cold - Turn Burning Hands into Freezing Hands.
Rime Spell - Entangle enemies with cold spells.
Lingering Spell - Make a lake of fire with the Burning Hands spell.
Reach Spell - Turn those pesky "touch" spells into spells that are safely used at range.

Ilja |

The best metamagic feats, IMO, are these:
Persistant Magic - increases difficulty to save a LOT. It's much much much better than heighten magic.
Extend Magic - double duration, very straight-forward buff, very good at low levels and still good at high.
Reach Magic - As said above, using touch spells at range is always useful. Also good for turning low-range ones into mid-range.
Still Magic - Useful against grapplers, but very campaign-dependant.
Silent Magic - Useful against silence and similar, but easier to just get a rod.

AdAstraGames |

I've got a Sorcerer or two for PFS:
My straight up Sorc is built like this, Starsoul Bloodline
Trait 1: Magical Lineage: Magic Missile
Trait 2: Mysteries of the East (+2 on one Spell DC 1/day)
Feat 1H: Toppling Spell
Feat 1G: Toughness
Feat 3G: Spontaneous Metafocus: Magic Missile
If you're planning on blasting, Starsoul is great.
1st: Magic Missile, Grease
3rd: Unseen Servant (BL), Floating Disk, Rod of Reach Spell
4th: Burning Sphere
So, here's what makes the character cool.
At 3rd level, you park your friend the fighter on the Reach Spell Floating Disk. It holds up to 300 lbs, it goes up to 130 feet away from you.
Standard Action: Cast Toppling Magic Missile at two opponents.
Move Action: Move Floating Disk with fighter on it adjacent to whichever opponent is down, being careful not to get your friend the fighter hit with an AoO en route.
Swift Action: Tell the Unseen Servant to do something useful.
Now, opponent that stands up draws an AoO from your fighter. If opponent stays down, fighter is attacking from higher ground (for +1) and attacking a prone opponent (-4 AC). If your fighter is a Two Weapon Fighter, you just saved him a move action, meaning he gets to do a full attack.
If the opponent lives long enough to attack, they're Dazzled because of your bloodline arcana.
This makes fighters happy. You do minor damage, and gift-wrap your buddies for the fighters.
Honestly, the Arcane bloodline is pretty underwhelming, unless you're willing to go to Eldritch Knight. Then, you take Still Spell and get a +1 DC on all your spells when casting in armor...

tonyz |

Wizards have a giant toolbox (their spellbook) and a big part of their shtick is using their Knowledge skills and divination spells to figure what they're up against, then getting out the exact right tool for the job.
Sorcerors have one tool: a hammer. Their job is to figure out how to make every problem into a nail, and then swing the hammer hard. With relatively few spells, make sure that you're flexible -- each spell should be useful in 2-3 different situations. At least.
Sorcerors are actually (mostly) better at metamagic since they can apply it on the fly instead of when they prepare spells. (Rods make up for this somewhat, admittedly.) So pick a metamagic feat that works well with your preferred style of magic.
If you like to buff the party or have lots of defensive spells, then Extend Spell is your friend. It's not nice to have haste run out just after you hack through the mooks and just before you get to the BBEG, but having mage armor last all day is a big win just by itself. If you go for hour/level spells, once you hit mid-levels every once in a while you can pull off "I cast all my Extended spells the day before, and have all my buffs PLUS a full assortment of spell slots the next day".
If you throw save-or-cry spells at the enemy a lot, then Persistent Spell is probably better than Heighten Spell. (And you want to stack it with (Greater) Spell Focus, too.)
If you like subtle social situations or being stealthy, then Silent Spell and Still Spell are your friends. A Still Silent charm person will solve a lot of problems better than a fireball, and nobody will notice you casting it.
If you look blasting your enemies with lots of cool tricks, then Intensify Spell (break the level cap on damage), Empower Spell (boost damage a bit), or Rime/Topple/Dazing Spell (blast them AND debuff them!) are all pretty good. Also strongly consider Magical Knack (your favorite blasting spell).
Reach Magic is generally quite flexible and goes well with several styles of sorceror (debuffing, save-or-cry, buffing with touch spells in an emergency). Most people look at it as a way to turn touch spells into ranged attacks, but when I took it it was also extremely useful to turn Close range spells into Medium-range spells. The difference between 50' and 150' can be huge when it comes to spacious dungeons, or outdoor combat.

strayshift |
In terms of your level I'd go extend spell (8 hour Mage Armour? Saves you 2 1st level spell slots which you have more spell selection choices over).
I'd use the Magical Lineage trait for Fireball, helping make you much more effective blaster at medium to high levels too. Arcane is good for meta-magics but if you have haven't fixed on that - bloodlines that allow you to change elemental damage types are surprisingly good and my Kitsune Enchanter Sorcerer has awesome Enchantment save DC'S.
My favourite is the Dreamspun Bloodline, Visionary variant - why? Because 1 hour rest recovers your spells (useful in dungeons) and the lullaby ability makes your sleep magic exceptionally potent (there is even a Deep Slumber supplement available I can recommend).