Monks with weapons

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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While I've always enjoyed playing monk characters I've always had a beef with their damage dropping dramatically when they pick up a weapon.

I had an idea for a simple monk variant or archetype that might address that issue. The only change would be that a monks damage dice stays at 1d6 instead of increasing as he gains levels. Instead they would get a precision damage bonus equal to their monk AC bonus that is used with unarmed attacks and monk weapons. The monk will still not be able to use special Ki attacks with their weapons unless the weapon has the Ki Focus special ability.

The advantage is that the monk gains the ability to use magic or mastercraft weapons at higher levels without reducing the amount of damage they deliver.

An 8th level monk normally does 1d10 damage for an average of 5.5 damage per hit. With this variant they would do 1d6+2 for an average of 5.5 damage per hit. Max damage is reduced but min damage is increased.

At higher levels the monks average damage would be slightly reduced but they would be able to make up the difference with a magic weapon or a weapon that delivers higher damage.

Any thoughts?

Errr, you do realize that Monks actually usually deal MORE damage overall with weapons, right?

How so? Most monk weapons do around 1d6. At higher levels their unarmed damage is much greater but if they pick up that weapon they still do 1d6.

Why do they deal more damage?

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Ignore the damage dice. The dice are insignificant as far as actual damage goes. The difference between 1d6 and 2d6 is about 4 damage.

The thing is, using an actual weapon is a lot cheaper than using unarmed, half the cost of buying an Amulet of Mighty Fists. So you can afford a higher enhancement bonus of the weapon itself, among other items (such as Str belts and so on at a higher bonus), resulting in more damage.

In addition, you can deal even higher single hit damage (non-flurry) since your weapon still does full Str to damage (1.5x if two handed), which is helpful in a few cases.

As well, weapons are easier to make overcome DR than the unarmed strikes are (what with some only coming with level and the AoMF being so expensive).

On top of that I believe (though I'm not sure) that you can fully benefit from Power Attack (the 1.5x damage) when Flurrying even if your weapon technically only still does 1x Str to damage.

It's all around a more efficient manner of attacking. Which sucks balls because it SHOULDN'T be that way.

Hence the variant I suggested.

BTW I agree that a monk can use Power Attack but I think it works a bit different than you describe. It's a straight -1 Offence for a +2 to damage (more at higher BAB).

Rynjin wrote:

The thing is, using an actual weapon is a lot cheaper than using unarmed, half the cost of buying an Amulet of Mighty Fists. So you can afford a higher enhancement bonus of the weapon itself, among other items (such as Str belts and so on at a higher bonus), resulting in more damage.

In addition, you can deal even higher single hit damage (non-flurry) since your weapon still does full Str to damage (1.5x if two handed), which is helpful in a few cases.

As well, weapons are easier to make overcome DR than the unarmed strikes are (what with some only coming with level and the AoMF being so expensive).

On top of that I believe (though I'm not sure) that you can fully benefit from Power Attack (the 1.5x damage) when Flurrying even if your weapon technically only still does 1x Str to damage.

It's all around a more efficient manner of attacking. Which sucks balls because it SHOULDN'T be that way.

Or perhaps I didn't make myself clear in the original post

To re-state my example

A normal 8th lvl monk does 1d10 damage (average 5.5 DPS) with unarmed combat and 1d6 damage with nunchaku (average 3.5 DPS).

An 8th level monk with the variant/archetype I proposed would do 1d6+2 damage (average 5.5 DPS) with unarmed combat and 1d6+2 damage with nunchaku (average 5.5 DPS). More, if the nunchaku has a magic bonus.

The variant/archetype I'm proposing is an attempt to addresses the same points Rynjin made... especially his last point, "because it SHOULDN'T be that way."

*edit* for clarity

Fist does more damage. Weapon has other kind of benefit.

Simple. Easy. Balanced. No need to "fix" by stacking everything in the same basket.

Speaker for the Dead wrote:

Or perhaps I didn't make myself clear in the original post

To re-state my example

A normal 8th lvl monk does 1d10 damage (average 5.5 DPS) with unarmed combat and 1d6 damage with nunchaku (average 3.5 DPS).

Except who doesn't have a +1 weapon by 8th level?

In fact due to how expensive AoMF is compare +1 fist vs +2 nunchaku (why are we using a nunchaku they suck?) So you should be comparing +1 fist (average 6.5) vs +2 nunchaku (5.5 but better to hit chance).

We should be using a template sword (1d8) so +2 temple sword means:
We are comparing +1 fist (average 6.5) vs +2 Temple Sword (6.5 but better to hit chance).

Weapon wins.
With your variant:


An 8th level monk with the variant/archetype I proposed would do 1d6+2 damage (average 5.5 DPS) with unarmed combat and 1d6+2 damage with nunchaku (average 5.5 DPS). More, if the nunchaku has a magic bonus.

So +2 temple sword means:

+1 fist (average 8.5) vs +2 Temple Sword (8.5 but better to hit chance).

So weapon is even better. I still approve the archetype though; I just think you need to gather all the facts.

Starbuck_II: For simplicity sake in my example I used base damage, no strength or magic. I agree with what you're saying (especially the part where you approve the archetype :-). My group tends to play in low-magic settings where access to magic is limited. I wanted to change up the class so I can play a concept monk that doesn't do less damage when he picks up a martial arts weapon.

Dekalinder: It wasn't my goal to make the class unbalanced. The modification actually causes an unarmed monk to do less base damage, especially at higher levels, than they currently inflict. I just wanted to change it up to make more sense (at least to me). I don't care how good a martial artist is with their fists, they should be doing more damage when they pick up a weapon. Even a mundane martial arts weapon gives a mechanical advantage.

Whether the fist deals more or less damage, depends a lot on GMs handle of magic item creation rules.

A lev 20, once per day, greater magic fang is 21600 GP with a +2 equivalent AomF thats +7 for 37600 GP with dispel disadvantage compared to +4 for 32000 GP with a weapon.

A +3 weapon is nearly same price as the once per day greater magic fang +5.

edit: Of course having a druid in the party, gives the fist monk the advantage by a far margin.

Dekalinder wrote:

Fist does more damage. Weapon has other kind of benefit.

Simple. Easy. Balanced. No need to "fix" by stacking everything in the same basket.

Excuse me, I nearly fell off my chair laughing. How is a monk weapon dealing 1d6 better than 1d10 with unarmed strike? How is 1d10+1 19-20/x2 with unarmed strike (assuming improved critical)better than 1d6+4 15-20/x2?

The biggest damaging factors are static bonus and threat range. Dice is a poor third, and this is why monks have effectively substandard weapons. The best DPR monks are those two-handing with a temple sword. Sad but true.

Weapons have plenty of advantages over unarmed strike. Unfortunately, increased damage given WBL is one of them as well.

@Speaker for the Dead
I created a redesigned monk using weapon training that has the kind of design you are looking at. Keeping them at 3/4 BAB and gaining weapon training like the fighter, they had a natural enhancement on unarmed strike and an increasing threat range on it. It worked pretty well.

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