Under Frozen Stars help

Jade Regent

Hey everyone, I am starting book 3 and planning the AP out a bit, going to be adding Under frozen stars into the journey, but I do not see a mention of this "alien city" anywhere in the original AP, I am trying to find it so I can tie it in, I know its around the tower but don't see it ever mentioned.

Shadow Lodge

They can't use the term Nameless Spires in non-Paizo material. You can do a search of the PDF for Nameless Spires, but they're 150 miles North of the tower.

The Exchange

Doram ob'Han wrote:
They can't use the term Nameless Spires in non-Paizo material. You can do a search of the PDF for Nameless Spires, but they're 150 miles North of the tower.

when I ran it I just put them both in the same alien city at the north pole.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

As noted above, the alien city is one and the same with the location of the tower in the Hungry Storm. Well, technically the tower was intended as one of six laid out around the periphery of the city itself, with the subtext that they were part of a magitech weather control system that surround the north pole city when the ancient founders made it. In the end, Rob felt like my original turnover was a bit too sci-fi and not fantasy enough for Golarion, and that is part of what a company needs to do to maintain the integrity of their IP. Golarion needs to feel like Golarion.

Be that as it may, the tower and city were intended to be in close proximity to one another, connected by a tunnel a mile or two long (which is detailed in the UFS adventure). You will need to slightly adjust the geography of the north pole from the official version if they are farther apart than that, as Doram indicates.

Yes the way the AP finally turned out the Storm Tower is a standalone tower somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately I had my players already there when I found out about UFS, so couldn't adjust to that anymore.

But they've found a survivor of a previous treasure hunting expedition in the Storm Tower (a new PC joining at that point). Katiyana had used them for some kind of experiment and then left him for dead with the giant moonflower below. For some reason the moonflower had not transformed him (not that anyone of the PC know that, since they all failed their knowledge checks horribly)

One of my other PCs had already expressed interest in going to the North Pole, so with that added info there, I'm confident they will hurry over there now.

However I do have a slight problem myself: My players are "NPC collectors". If an NPC can accompany them, they will do their best to convince them to come along. Heck they even tried to get the freed slaves from Asvig Longhew's mansion to come along (they didn't).
So I'm 100% sure that if they somehow see through the Oni's deception and realize which one's the true Miriya, they will take her along too. (That DC 20 Diplomacy check? The face can make that in her sleep)

But I find the whole "Ok, if you do that, she just dies 2 weeks later. No save." deal from the book rather dickish. Though of course it makes sense that her clockwork parts cause problems eventually, so just totally ignoring it is also weird.
So I'm looking for a way to get her to survive, without totally handwaving it. Any ideas?

A different question that rose up now that I went through the stat blocks a bit more thoroughly: Why and more importantly how is Miriya wielding a Huge kusarigama and huge shuriken?

I don't see any feats or abilities that allow that. Not to mention that must look quite weird.

The Exchange

Quatar wrote:

A different question that rose up now that I went through the stat blocks a bit more thoroughly: Why and more importantly how is Miriya wielding a Huge kusarigama and huge shuriken?

I don't see any feats or abilities that allow that. Not to mention that must look quite weird.

I didn't either, so I just ignored that part. I wouldn't allow Miriya to come along though, the AP gets to be pretty easy with the NPCs they have already...

4 main NPC

I've already dropped Skygni and will drop Ulf soon from the campaign as he's fulfilled his obligation to the party and seen them over the crown of the world.
I've got a party of 7 PCs and am making lots of upgrades and number changes to maintain the challenge.

Mirya can wield weapons two sizes larger than herself because of the War Machine template from the Advanced Bestiary, which she possesses. It's explained nowhere and until I got my PDF of the AB I was similarly confused.

Grand Lodge

The text keeps mentioning "the Caravan Master's pendant", but I can't find any other mention of what it is. Looking over his stat block in BL doesn't mention a special pendant. I even looked at his picture and while he is wearing multiple necklaces, none of them stand out.

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