Advice / Things to remember please?


Last summer I gm'ed my first campaign Carrion Crown but I only did one book of it and my group fell apart shortly afterwards. I am starting a new group with some returning members and some new ones and I am going to be doing the Legacy of Fire campaign.

I haven't looked at a lot of gm guides or the core rulebook in a while, though I intend to review them before we start.

I was just wondering if there was any advice or any thing relevant people could give me to help? I want everyone to have a good time, but I am worried about my potential as a storyteller and I worried about messing up combat but not understanding the finer points of the rules.

Shadow Lodge

I recommend sitting down with the group first. Let them know you are not rules savvy and more interested in the story. Let them know they can bring any questions/problems they have to you before or after game. Don't let the game be bogged down by arguments.

Ask around your group to see who is the most proficient with the rules. Ask him to help to as you go.

Just relax and enjoy the game. These guys are your friends and if you don't get everything right they will forgive you. Read ahead and always know what your group is driving towards next. Knowing the world will give you a lot of strength as a GM even when your rules powers lack. Invest time in the Pathfinder wikis to get more information about the gods, lands and creatures your party is fighting.

When you review the rules, focus on the combat and magic chapters. They have the most important things to know. Then just ask the players to go over their characters with you and what they can do, what powers they have ect.

Have a lot of fun!

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