101 Homebrew Campaign Ideas

Homebrew and House Rules

Hiyo fellow adventurers. With my first PC Campaign drawing to a close and my off week GM getting frustrated with his current setting, it has come to mind to go ahead and prep a storyline. Fumbled storylines are kinda like ex girlfriends, and in the event that he might feel like he failed if I take it up where he dropped it, and run the risk of losing a really great member of the game... I want to do something fresh.

Rule of the game:

A. While I have access to a pretty wide selection of books, I want to keep these ideas fairly Core/Advanced. No books included that add just one class or a small selection of racial subtypes.

B. Nothing MAJORLY game changing. I looove homebrew. Prefer it actually. But having to create a whole new complex system for how the elements sync when the stars are aligned to the third delta decka mandrin quadrant of Soliloquee... lets just skip over that.

C. No blatant rip-offs. A story about tracking down lost pages of "There and Back Again" to find some knowledge to fend off the returning Witch King? Cool. Taking a ring that can make you invisible to the mountain of Rodrom... just no.

D. While it doesn't have to be an epic tale, remember... campaign, not mini-adventure. Collecting the four pieces of the golden quad-force to save Princess Adlez... ok. Picking turnips for Farmer Noom Tsevrah... no.

So I'm throwing this out there... let's see who bites.


1. An ancient Orc War-God is arrisen, rallying the roving tribes of Orcs into an actual military state. The other races must rally together to hold off the ever growing army while the party attempts to assisinate the War-God holding their enemies together.

2. The Dwarves, in their ever expanding underground kingdom, awoke a forgotten evil deep within the earth. The party, a group of dwarves returning from a diplomatic journy, find their kin darkly twisted and canabalistic. They must fight their way deeper and deeper into the depths to stop the ever growing darkness.

3. A cult has discovered how to awaken The Void, the infinite expanse between the planes and beyond them where light, sound, and even life do not exist. The party is a group of refugees who's homes have been sucked into pockets of void, must discover how the cult is doing this and attempt to reverse the damage done.

4. The drows have won. The sky is magically clouded and the sun barely glows beyond the haze. Other races live as slaves or IN vassal realms. PCs can be from pockets of resistance.

Despite their power, the drows have too many slaves and subordinates to monitor low level PCs. As the PCs gain levels, drow "government" becomes more of a central theme, playing for or against this or that house.

5. The world has shattered in thousands of free-floating blocks of earth and rock. This is a post, post-apocalyptic setting. There are remnants of the past when the world was whole, but civilization has grown back and is now stable. Small and large flying crafts/mounts are common fare for goods and voyagers. Now part of this stability is failing in the outer-rims of the civilised world, earthbergs are disintegrating and falling, and the heroes must find out what's going on.

6. Hidden Demiplanes keep colliding with this plane. So far, only benign creatures and Humanoids have arrived from the Demiplanes, but it is only a matter of time before Evil humanoids or outsiders collide, and upset the balance of power. The heroes must find out what is happening before that happens and see if they can stop it.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

7. The military order you belong to has long been the pride of the nation, until a conflict arose between your leader and the king, leaving the king dead and your leader executed for treason. Now the kingdom is torn in civil war, as your order fights for survival and seeks to fulfill your leader's dying ambition to claim the crown, and the king's knights who seek to avenge him and protect the people from the rebellious order. You must decide where your loyalties lie. Do you stand with your brothers to gain redemption through victory by taking the throne for the order? Or do you abandon the treachery the order has resorted to and fight to reunite the land with the loyalists?

8. The undead horde has intelligence now. Lead by liches and vampires as the generals, they wage war against the followers of the gods. Their goal is to kill the gods by killing their worshipers. Later you find out that the undead horde just wants to be laid to rest, and prevent any other undead from being brought into existence. They belive by eliminating the gods they can achieve this. Who do you side with? Do you fight the leigons of undead, or do you side with them to aid them in there quest to be laid to rest, or do you try to find an alternative way to prevent the dead from coming back?

9. Your party all assembled in answer to urgent call for their help. The arrive at the right place and time, each having played their journeys one on one with the gm ahead of time. When they arrive to find nothing they are gathered in a protective orb, all that is good is destroyed outside the orb, destroyed or removed to else where.

All that is left is most of it, the neutral, mundane, the evil, broken and twisted dysfunctional and distorted, a small minority, but now without the massive goodness to balance it out. There is a simple command to remake the world with the gathering of the elements, there are rules for what cannot be done until that element is gathered, they have an open-ended and overwhelming task, most are where the map says but on set days certain items will be found and moved, by those seeking to misuse them, or simply folks looking to meet their everyday needs with the elements represented in mundane in some cases, and marvellous in others, the have a map that shows each objects starting position, and its releasing conditions . What would a world with an ordinary amount of evil, and no amount of good except our heroes, in a mundane neutral world?

Will evil long for the missing good? Will the neutrals slide over a little to keep the alignment boat from tipping? How do our main characters stay on task, stay good, and keep their mission secret. What happens when the map is stolen? What if one of them is a spy for evil? What order to they tackle finding the forty two elements?

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A variant on the orc invasion I ran for one of my games.

An orc war leader has risen and has united various savage humanoids under his banner. while the savages act as they always do, there is a core of disciplined warriors keeping the worst in check. Strangely, this horde seems to be moving in a specific path, ignoring easy targets that would cause them to deviate too far from this path. Further, the leader seems content to allow conquered areas to govern themselves with only minimal horde presence, requiring them only to funnel supplies to feed arm and pay his horde as they move on.

What is the warlords ultimate goal? can the pcs find out before its too late?

the twist, the warlords shamans have divined a planar breach is coming which presages an interplanar invasion which could mean the end of the world. the warlord intends to stop it by any means necessary.

We are the orcs - players are all greenskins sent to the human world to establish connections. Will it be trade or war?

A mysterious black dressed humanoid riding a dragon destroys the local village every 20 years or so... You ate the best of the best in the village, and must train to be able to figth back when he/she returns in 5 years...

An emmisary of a nearby hobgoblin war camp claim that the hobgoblins wants trade not war. . The pc's are sent to negotiate and find the camp raided with few survivors... Now the hobgoblin society prepares an all out war..

The pcs are advisors to the local duke/prince/king/ruler. Think game of thrones from here... Will they be loyal to the throne? Focus on moving troops and resources around, and do ad little as possible themselves...

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14: It has been 20 years since the time of the Wilding; the forests and wild places of man's domain have revolted consuming much of civilization. The city of inderwick limps on through high magics, but now that the land is stable once more many are eager to reclaim what they have lost and seek out new places beyond.

Unfortunately the Wilding also awoke many of the old threats. Wicked tales your mothers used to haunt your dreams; dreadful fey hunting children in the forests, unquiet dead disturbed by the tumultuous growth, witches and hags and horrors from the depths of time.

The party may have been assembled for any number of reasons, to deal with any number of threats. This sandbox campaign is a dark fairy tale world less about conquering the wild so much as it is about surviving it. One specific threat can be the fey; a common nuisance of the city even before the Wilding, now the emboldened scions of chaos seek to finish what wild began. A conclave in service to one of the Eldest has arrived and fresh signs of their revels are everywhere throughout the Gnarl (the new tangled forest outside the city). The PCs' first mission may be to attempt to make contact with the court and deal with these marauders.

Mark Hoover wrote:

14: It has been 20 years since the time of the Wilding; the forests and wild places of man's domain have revolted consuming much of civilization. The city of inderwick limps on through high magics, but now that the land is stable once more many are eager to reclaim what they have lost and seek out new places beyond.

Unfortunately the Wilding also awoke many of the old threats. Wicked tales your mothers used to haunt your dreams; dreadful fey hunting children in the forests, unquiet dead disturbed by the tumultuous growth, witches and hags and horrors from the depths of time.

hey, I like that one!

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