Nosferatu PCs in Carrion Crown: Broken or Thematic?


Know before ANYONE cries afoul of 'game-breaking!', 'badwrongfun!', or of general insults to my character, I would like to point out that Paizo did release a supplement for vampiric PCs (i.e. Blood of the Night), so obviously I'm not the only person wondering about this, so please let's keep this civil.

As Carrion Crown is the gothic horror campaign, and as it specifically states in Blood of the Night that nosferatu are the most likely vampires to be neutral, I was wondering if, properly toned down, they could serve as proper, thematic characters with rich roleplaying opportunities in a Carrion Crown campaign.

What is the community's opinion?

The Exchange

I fail to see how Paizo releasing a product for vampiric PCs prevents me from bellowing "Badwrongfun!" (Incidentally, I'd probably opt for "Doubleplusungood!" or possibly "Wrongthink!" because I'm a sucker for a gratuitous literary reference.)

I'm always very, very leery about undead PCs. The creature type itself provides tons of immunities and benefits, and the specific type you have in mind adds the challenges of GMing for polymorphing fliers to the mix - something that GMs don't usually have to worry about til about part four or five of the AP normally. Approach this idea with extreme caution, and ask yourself if it wouldn't work just as easily if the PCs are (living) thralls of some off-screen nosferatu master.

Not to say that it wouldn't be entertaining to see PCs in that adventure path challenging the BBEG because they like his plan and want to commandeer it for their own benefit.

As I did say it would be toned down, I'm just trying think of a way to do so properly. I would post something now, but this early in the thread and it should have been under homebrew. Perhaps some of the immunities of the undead type, but still susceptible to mind-affecting effects?

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