graypark |
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Vital Strike (Combat)
Benefit: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Roll the weapon's damage dice for the attack twice and add the results together before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision based damage, and other damage bonuses. These extra weapon damage dice are not multiplied on a critical hit, but are added to the total.
This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons that are not light weapons. An impact weapon delivers a potent kinetic jolt when it strikes, dealing damage as if the weapon were one size category larger. In addition, any bull rush combat maneuver the wielder attempts while wielding the weapon gains a bonus equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus; this includes all bull rush attempts, not only those in which a weapon is used, such as Bull Rush Strike, Shield Slam, or Unseat.
When using vital strike with a weapon that has the impact special ability, does the weapon still do damage as if it were one size category larger or does it revert to doing damage per its true size? In other words, is the "one size category larger" damage rolled twice or does the weapon "lose" the impact ability during a vital strike?

graypark |

Avianfoo wrote:Or because size increasing effects don't stack.is this in the CRB some where? is there an official rule statement?
I believe there may be situations in which size increasing effects do stack. For instance, if one has enlarge cast upon them and they're wielding an impact weapon, the weapon is now physically one size category larger and the impact ability of the weapon should make it deal damage as if it were one size category larger than its new size.

graypark |

Damnit, now I'm back to my UMD-capable archer fighter that carries around a couple quivers full of large sized arrows along with his wands of enlarge person and gravity bow.
I believe (but am not certain) that anything enlarged by virtue of being on one's person when one is subject to an enlarge person spell reverts back to its true size when it is no longer on the person who has been enlarged. If that is true, large arrows further enlarged via enlarge person would revert back to large once fired.

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He's talking about picking up a quiver of large arrows after enlarging.
Precisely this. I give up 2 points of attack bonus for increasing my arrow damage dice from 1d8 to 3d6 and adding 1 static damage to my bow. Of course, I won't be able to do this until I can afford an adaptive composite longbow. Until then I just cast gravity bow and fire medium arrows at 2d6.