Valenswift |

I've been DM'ing with the Beginner box and am making the transition to core rules but i'm not getting ability checks and i just can't seem to find the answer in the CRB.
I understand the fundamentals of course but what i don't understand is how a PC can beat high DC (for example a STR check on a door with DC28) when their STR modifier is say +2 and even taking a 20 would only give them a maximum of 22.
Are there other modifiers that i am missing or have i totally misread how ability checks work?
Thanks for any help.

arioreo |
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If the DC is 28 and they have a +2 modifier, they can't open the door using strength.
It's that simple and no different form skill checks in that respect.
Note however that other party members can use aid an other (I think it applies to ability checks, if not, it should...) to grant an additional +2 and that there are often other ways to get around an ability check.
forinstance, picking the lock of that door (either to open it or reduce the strength required), breaking it down using damage etc.

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A toddler cannot pick up a car. Some ability checks cannot be achieved by some characters.
Without other modifiers, a character would need a Str 26 (+8 modifier) to make the DC 28 strength check in your example. A few other resources that can be brought to bear are spells that increase Strength, either directly (bull's strength) or indirectly (enlarge person), etc., tools such as a crowbar, or use the aid another option to assist with the Strength check.
You aren't misreading it from what you've described. You have the rules structure. The options I'm describing are tactics that can be brought to bear on the problem, and often depend on player experience to recognize them.