Does the anger inquisition improved RAGE

Rules Questions


Anger Inquisition:Divine Anger (Ex)
At 6th level, you gain the ability to rage like a barbarian. Your effective barbarian level for this ability is your inquisitor level – 3. If you have levels in barbarian, these levels stack when determining the effect of your rage. You do not gain any rage powers from this granted power, though if you have rage powers from another class, you may use them with these rages. You can rage a number of rounds per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, plus 1 round for every inquisitor level above 4th.

WOuld this include Improving to greater range

No. Rage and improved rage are diferent classs features.

Hmm? I'm not sure but I would guess so. I understand what Nicos is saying that they are separate class features but, you don't get rage powers and it has its own method for determining rounds of rage... What else would your Barbarian levels stack with?

I would have to state yes for 1 main reason and no for another.

The only reason to state that the rage works at the inquisitors level -3 would be to determine the number of rounds of rage. But as it states wisdom+inq/lvl the only thing left to change is the imp anp and greater.

But using the above paragraph it could also say that to count for feats or abilitys that require on rage level. Though of how many there are I do not know and do not recall seeing any.

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