Which books would you buy vs. which would you keep as pdf?

Product Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I know this topic has been discussed like back in 2008 and such, but lots of books have been released since then. I am relatively new to Pathfinder but I am quite addicted. I am going to GM a group of friends for either Google Hangout/PbP/Roll20 AP--Rise of the Runelords.

I have the Core Rulebook, the GM book, the APG and the new Codex of NPCs.

I am trying to decide which books I want/need and which ones I should just go the pdf route, so I thought I would turn to you more experienced players and GMs and see what you could consider better as a book and which is a pdf candidate. If won the lottery, yes, I would buy the entire catalog, but I haven't. Plus, when I head out to games, I don't have room to drag every book with me.

So what say you folks?

Silver Crusade

One important question: How do you read PDFs?

If you can sit down and read a PDF "cover to cover", then you really only need the printed copies for books that you reference a lot, like Bestiaries or Ultimate Combat. And if you use a really good PDF reader, like, say, an iPad, you might not even need that.

On the other hand, if reading PDFs is difficult or uncomfortable and you're just doing it to save money, then the best dollar-value for PDFs are the hardback RPG line, where the printed book is generally expensive, but the PDF is only $10. That said, those same books are mostly available for free on the PFSRD, so you could skip them entirely in favour of the setting books, which aren't.

I have the Core Rulebook, GameMastery Guide, Bestiaries, and Advanced Players Guide in hardcover.

Pretty much all of the other books in my collection I bought on PDF. I usually print out a duplexed grayscale hardcopy of the the PDFs, three-hole-punch them, and collect them in 3-ring binders. For the PDFs of the hardcovers (ISWG and NPC Codex, I printed them 2 pages to a page, double-sided.

Of course, I have access to free grayscale printing for personal use (whithn reason) as a job perk, so that doesn't cost me anything.

I GM with a laptop, so having the indexed PDFs at my disposal for immediate reference is very handy. However, when I sit down to read a supplement, I prefer ink-on-paper, so that's why I print them out.

Of course, I subscribe to the APs, so having both hardcopy and PDF is nice, too!

Re: rulebooks vs. PRD... the actual rules are on the PRD, but most of the supporting stuff isn't. (e.g. only about 10% of the GameMastery Guide is on the PRD, and those are the least interesting parts of that book!)

Having only a desktop PC with which to read .pdfs, I have to say I wish I had every one of my Pathfinder, both core and 3pp, in book form. You hear me, Super Genius Games? :)

Liberty's Edge

Well I have a tablet and a laptop, in addition to the desktop, so I'd have access to the PDF for sure. Plus I can print at work too.

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Having only a desktop PC with which to read .pdfs, I have to say I wish I had every one of my Pathfinder, both core and 3pp, in book form. You hear me, Super Genius Games? :)

We're working on it....;)

Liberty's Edge

When I can I purchase the ore line or at least rulebooks in both formats when possible. I purchase the printed copy as I'm generally the only one who does and I have them as reference around the table. Everyone uses them generally so they get some heavy abuse. When they fall apart I put the in page protectors and get the covers and binding all put in a binder.

I like the PDFs for personal use. Either at the table or when I'm traveling places. Keeps me busy to research things. I like to be certain what my character can do and when uncertain if it will work the way I think it will I ask the GM to rule on it. Sometime pulling it up so he can read it.

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