Swashbuckling in Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Sovereign Court Contributor

I've started a thread over in Suggestions advocating for a full class for the Duelist or Swashbuckler in the rules line of books.

What aspects of the campaign setting, however, would benefit from a swashbuckling or fencer type character?
Cheliax and Taldor would seem to be natural fits - the latter having the Lion Blades. And of course, there are the Shackles. The Brevoy sworldlords are a natural.

A more universal approach, of course, could fit such a class in Tian Xia as Wuxia swords people and even in Minkai, you could have Jutte-wielding police as a duelist archetype.

In Kelesh and Casmaron, we have the Sinbad the Sailor archetype and the scimitar-wielder.

Can we think of parallel traditions for Garund or Arcadia?

Sovereign Court

The lion blades are subtle sneaks, not sure if they make great swashbucklers.

But still, Taldor and The Shackles would be the place.

The Golden Legion's clandestine wing, the Twilight Talons, could make for good James Bond-style swashbuckling in Andoran and its neighbours.

I'd say Katapesh, Osirion, and Thuvia would have room for Sinbad the Sailor or Prince of Persia style archetypes.

Mediogalti Island is a great place to start a campaign. The river kingdoms and Lake Encarthan are also great spots. Piracy runs rampant in those places, and on Lake Encarthan it is said the royals of Brevoy have a hand in it.
The shackles in my opinion is a bit over done. Already had an AP, so it's Ok if you want to do one there, but meh.
The Lion Blades and Eagle Knights would be all over really, but especially in places like the river kingdoms. So that's a plus.

Sovereign Court Contributor

That's true, the Eagle Knights, particularly undercover, could make excellent swashbucklers.

Sovereign Court Contributor

The RW Yemeni swordfighting technique called Raqs al-Khanjar, literally "dance of the sword" appears to be another light-armor, high-Dex fighting school.

It may be in part a conceptual source for the Dervish Dancer.

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