Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
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The last rays of the setting sun bathe burnt orange over the ocean and cast the last bits of late spring warmth on your face. The lost coast road finally emerging out of the tree line allows you to gaze upon your travels destination. With the light of the setting sun the Old Light has changed from a drab grey to a pinkish hue. The town of Sandpoint stands before you and is just a short distance away across the Sandpoint Bridge. The temperamental weather of the Varisian Gulf and some poor luck delayed you several days but at least you made it in one piece and now you’re so close you can smell the Hagfish greasy fish stews. Supper, a warm fire and a good night’s rest and you’ll be right as rain for the Swallowtail Festival tomorrow.
I’ll be running Rise of the Runelords anniversary edition adventure Path on the system. We will be using their sound interface but no web cams (slows down the interface too much besides I’d rather look at your PC’s then your ugly mugs!). It’s my first time using the system to GM a game and I am looking forward to it. The plan is to play every other Tuesday starting 05/21/13 from 12:30 PM-4:00 PST/PDT (That’s 7:30-11:00 GMT).
As a GM I try to be a narrator to the story you enact with your characters. I won’t force you down into the hole to push the story. You want to walk away from Sandpoint as the citizens get massacred by all means (Your actions should still match your alignment however). Not being your seeing-eye GM means that you need to be involved in your game. Remember you take the action and I describe the result. Want in?
Here is what I am looking for:
5 players max. Realize that if you’re selected for this bi-weekly game you should be as committed to it as you would be a pen and paper style at your friend’s house. It sucks having to fill in for people when they flake.
25 Point Buy
Level 1 with max hit points.
Average wealth for your class.
Content from the Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, and Pathfinder Society races (Core Races + Aasimars, Tieflings, and Tengus).
Two traits (one should be from the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide). It’s free!
Backstory: This is the meat and potatoes of what I will be looking at when deciding who gets in and who misses out. Your backstory should not only contain why you’re in Sandpoint, but how you came into your adventuring profession (i.e. where did you learn your magical talents, a magic school, your parents, are you savant or somewhere else). Your backstory should also include a description of your character and a picture (or link to a picture) that you want to represent you in the game.
You have a little over a week. I will stop accepting entries on 05/15/13 at 2359 hours PST. I will let you know my decisions on 05/17/13. I will also be putting this thread up on the site. Good Luck!
Dylos |
dotting, plus a few questions while I'm here,
1. So nothing from books not mentioned is legal correct? No Blood of Angels/Fiends, etc?
2. I've played a little bit of Rise of the Runelords, not even the entire first book, but I wanted to make sure that this is ok.
3. Will you be sending chronicles for the sanctioned parts upon completion of those parts?
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
dotting, plus a few questions while I'm here,
1. So nothing from books not mentioned is legal correct? No Blood of Angels/Fiends, etc?
2. I've played a little bit of Rise of the Runelords, not even the entire first book, but I wanted to make sure that this is ok.
3. Will you be sending chronicles for the sanctioned parts upon completion of those parts?
1. Correct, just the stuff readily available in the PRD that is society legal.
2. That is fine, spend enough time on the website or in your local gaming store your going to know just as much as if you played partway through the first book anyway.
3. I can send the chronicle sheets out after the adventure but to be legal for PFS the group would need to be rolled back to 20 point buy not 25...
Dylos |
3. I can send the chronicle sheets out after the adventure but to be legal for PFS the group would need to be rolled back to 20 point buy not 25...
Not sure why they would need to be 20 pt builds, the rules for sanctioned adventure paths do not require a home campaign gm to follow any pfs rules.
Here's the relevant section from the rules for sanctioned adventure paths.
Alternatively, if you are participating in the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.) when running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the adventure.
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Nedra Seaborne |
I'm in a different time-zone, however I'd like to throw my hat into the ring for this; I believe 12:30pm PST works out to 5.30pm where I am in eastern Australia, in which case I could participate. :)
Just FYI I still have to update the profile to account for a 25 point build and include details on appearance.
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Marko |
I am interested in this game. I should have a submission soon!
I am curious to know how integrated characters will be into your game. Will it be the base adventure with a few minor changes for the classes portrayed, or will there be a lot of detail going into integrating individual characters into the game. (i.e. story lines for characters, NPC's made to interact specifically with them, etc.)
I've never played Rise of the Runelord past the first post so either would be fun.
Aranan Aldori |
If you run the entire adventure path, you are not bound by PFS requirements. People are treated as having run the chronicle sheet sections with a pregen, instead of their actual PFS character. You can play with whatever rules you want. Is there any wiggle room on the time? (Like maybe an hour later?) If so, then my wife and I may very well be interested
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Mostly I will be running the adventure path. There will as always with these paths be side quest and opportunities for character development. But total random side quest I.e. trips to the mana waste to find a relative whose soul has been fused with a machine will be limited for the good of the order.
Unfortunately there is little wiggle room in time due to child care issues. Sorry.
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Marko |
I understand that much, but you'd be surprised how many DM's don't do any side quests at all.
A good example of what I mean is that in one game I read, one of the NPC's, a sword master who trained the groups fighter, turned out to be one of the major npc's of the path. It didn't change anything story wise for the path, except that it invested the character (and the others, since they had all befriended this man by that point) that much more into the game,
Even if not at that level, the story is still completely new to me, so I'll probably have fun playing it. But it was a detail none of the group had been expecting and it made it seem like their characters -were- a part of that world rather then some interchangeable piece no different from any other PC in the adventure paths most DM's I've seen tend to run.
I've decided I'm going to enter an Alchemist character, focusing on the mutagen class feature and what he can do in it. Will that be okay or would you like something a little less... strange. XD And he will be a bit strange, as any scientist willing to experiment on their own body would.
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Marko... Alchemist with the mutagen class feature are fine just write a strong backstory of how you came upon the experimentation mutagens and the effects it has had on your characters life. Also don't forget to include how your character arrived in Sandpoint. I look forward to seeing your submission.
Jeffram the Tinker |
Crunch for Jeffram is in the profile.
Jeffram is a local lad, the son of a trapper and gypsy girl who fell in love with his father and Sandpoint so much that she settled down.
Much of what Jeffram has learned has been from his father who has only recently retired after one close call too many with the local goblin tribes. Jeffram, for his part, has largely taken over the financing of the household although his mother still does her part as an on and off seamstress.
Theologically, he is slightly torn. For the most part, he worships Erastil which is understandable given his trade and father's faith but he also worships Desna now and again, part and parcel of his mother's faith.
The Swallowtail Festival is something that will give Jeffram some much needed downtime following his busy spring and summer. He hopes to spend a couple of days dancing, singing and perhaps even meeting someone to call his own. After all, the gods will be watching!
Marko |
Sorry it took so long. Bleh. Not feeling well today and it probably shows in the background. Will probably be re-writing it soon, but for now it will have to suffice. Will summarize real quick just in case it's not... well... understandable. In fact... use this one to judge. I want a chance to re-write the one on his character sheet. Again, sorry for the trouble.
Nicholas himself, at the young age of 6, showed a great aptitude for both learning and magic. Under the proud guidance of his mother, the child would learn the basics of magical theory.
His mother was called away to deal with some kind of emergency by an old acquaintance requiring her knowledge and magical powers. Nicholas was only eight when she left. She would never be heard from again.
To help his father keep the farm, who was beginning to struggle without his wife's magical aid to keep working on so much land, Nicholas would apprentice himself to a local apothecary and healer, one who had actually helped treat his mother when she first arrived in town.
Nicholas would inadvertently discover that he could combine his limited magical training with his apothecary training around the age of 12, but would take another two years to refine the process enough to purposefully make something useful. During this time he would also be helping out on the farm, which was slowly beginning to fail despite his fathers stubbornness and a few friends help. Thankfully the pair began to supplement their income with their hunting skills, something else James taught his son, during the winter, though time slowly wore away at whatever savings Nicholas' father had.
At the age of 14 Nicholas would make a breakthrough that would allow him to create his first mutagen and eventually lead to him creating extracts. The former of which required study involving animals he had hunted with his father and eventually alone, but the later streamlined the process to create less versatile but more potent potion like extracts. Eventually, between a healing potion he was able to brew and the potions he and the extracts that allowed him to help out around the farm with a great deal more proficiency, Nicholas made enough to allow his father to hire on some hands and start making a profit on the farm once more.
By the age of 16, Nicholas has nearly perfected the basics of his alchemy, but now begins to wonder what else he could do with it with different and varied ingredients and more magical study. He also begins to yearn to travel the world and learn more about it. Coincidentally a letter has come in from his great aunt, offering to teach the young lad more about magic and even hinting at knowing something about what happened to his mother.
With his fathers blessing, given sadly but proudly, Nicholas left to learn more about the world, magic, and even the ultimate fate of his mother. His destination? Sandpoint, where his aunt currently resided.
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Marko |
Think it's allergies... bleh... anyway, the link is to his myth-weavers character sheet. Will that suffice?
And about his mother, feel free to incorporate it however you want. I left it very open ended so you can make it as simple or complex a thing as you'd like.
Added a quick description about his traits to explain why he has em. Hope those work.
Edit: Also, thanks! Sorry for the lack of manners so far. I really hope I get into this game!
Jigen |
Whoo, finally finished. Hope it isn't too late. All crunch and fluff contained within the profile. I chose Missionary instead of an RotR trait, so if you want to take a look at that and see if it fits, I'd be grateful. This avatar isn't really how I envision him at all, but there were only two so I had to make do.
Also, I know Veteran of Battle doesn't really fit given that he's never actually been in a battle, but I felt it would work due to his training. That he felt Hei Feng guiding his arrows, or some such. I think it really fits with his whole deluded state, but if you don't like it I'll switch it for Child of the Temple or something.
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
This goes for everybody...try not to feel limited by Paizo avatar choices. Because the game is being played on any image file type could work...
Jigen I did a quick google search for Tengu + artwork and came up with these in the first 50 results:
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Okay looks like we have 9 hours remaining. If you want to get into this game and you haven't submitted a post you have until midnight PST to do so. I already have 18 potential candidates so what is 19 or 20?
To see the list of candidates paste go to:
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Grimlight RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
After much reading, debate and deliberation I am pleased to say I have made my selections. I would like to thank everyone who took the time and effort to make a character for submission to this game. It was not easy choosing characters for the group as there were enough submitted to have 4 different parties and I would still have to cut people. So without further delay my selections for this game are:
Zandu the tiefling alchemist
Alaric Danze the dwarf cleric of Desna
Irrasmus the human wizard
Daltu son of Rogar the human paladin of Sarenrae
Claire Lautrec the human gunslinger