Get Amanda Hamon to PaizoCon

PaizoCon General Discussion


Hey, if you are interested in helping a lady game designer get to PaizoCon, check out this IndieGoGo project; Get Industry Pros to cons.

Scarab Sages Contributor

(Sheepishly emerges from the gloom of lurk-dom.)

Hi, folks! Thank you so much for checking out this thread.

Although part of this project is indeed to help get me to PaizoCon, I just want to quickly say that this is about much more than that. It's about helping three freelancers -- Christina, Owen K.C. Stephens, and myself -- cover the cost of summer cons in exchange for rewards that range from an awesome bundle of PDFs to advertising to one-on-one time chatting with us about anything.

We'll have a full list of PDFs available soon, but so far the bundle includes products from Misfit Studios, Super Genius Games, LPJ Design, Fat Dragon Games, Fat Goblin Games, Black & Green Games, and Total Party Kill Games.

In addition to all this cool stuff, having freelancers travel to these events can help build relationships that lead to really amazing things. For example, Owen suspects the SSG/Rite Publishing collaboration can be traced to a Gen Con meeting.

So, if you'd like to take a gander at more details, check out the link above. Thank you guys for your consideration!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great Idea! Maybe I should get people to crowd source my vacation? Or, better yet, I should get people to fund my drinking habit!

Goal: $1000

$10 - Leg o' Lamb will acknowledge you when you go out
$25 - Leg o' Lamb will speak with you 1:1 for a minimum of five minutes or in a group conversation for a minimum of ten minutes
$50 - Leg o' Lamb will speak with you 1:1 for a minimum of ten minutes or in a group conversation for a minimum of twenty minutes
$100 - As $50 but Leg o' Lamb will also buy you a drink
$500 - As $100, but Leg o' Lamb will also make a toast in your honor
$1000 - You will be given the honor of driving Leg o' Lamb to his home after the evening's festivities


Leg o' Lamb wrote:

Great Idea! Maybe I should get people to crowd source my vacation? Or, better yet, I should get people to fund my drinking habit!

Certainly! It's your right. If you can come up with 34+ pdfs from excellent companies to go with my contribution, I will consider supporting you. :)

Dark Archive

As someone who has worked in events and marketing for a couple of years now...I totally understand the importance of this business expense. I'll be donating money to this cause.

As for the previous poster...please understand the difference between assisting in promotion of products and encouraging different views in a demographically dominated industry instead of "vacation".

I will say that my largest contract I ever landed was because I ordered 8 beers when the line was 40 people deep...walked to the back of it, noticed a potential customer and his friends and handed them beers and told 'em to come join me. One thing led to another and now he and I do a significant amount of business each year...because it started at a convention "party".

The movie "The Aviator" has a good sense how these conventions lead to business.

So ya...Amanda and friends, lets get you out here.

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Great Idea! Maybe I should get people to crowd source my vacation? Or, better yet, I should get people to fund my drinking habit!

It worked for Yoda8myhead :)

Looks like a great value Amanda. Hope to see you at the Con!

Dark Archive

Since I appear to be in the minority here, Ms Stiles, Ms Hamon, I wish you luck on yer endeavors. If you succeed I would be more than happy to congratulate you at either Paizo or GenCon as I will be at both.

Again, I wish you success.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

@Leg o'lamb - unlike Kickstarter which only succeeds if funded, indie go-go awards the funds immediately upon being pledged.

I threw in $25, partly to help these fine freelancers out, but I must admit to a portion of my motivation being less than selfless - just look at the goodies on offer:

PDF bundle as of this post:

Electronic Bundle ($25): an ever-growing .pdf bundle of products from publishers supporting our campaign. Here's what's included so far (Updated as of 5-8-2013):

Misfit Studios: The Rogue Mage RPG Player's Handbook
Super Genius Games: Super Genius Presents the Vile Magic of Argonax the Mad, The Genius Guide to the Godling, The Genius Guide to What's in My Pocket, Anachronistic Adventurers: The Enforcer
Black & Green Games: Breaking the Ice and Shooting the Moon
Cartography Unlimited: The NPC Collection
Dreamscarred Press: Third Dawn Adventure Path—From the Deep #1: Uncertain Futures
Eden Studios: Conspiracy X 2.0 and All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Elf Lair Games: Spellcraft & Swordplay, and Monstrous Mayhem
Fat Dragon Games: Dungeon Delvers Weapons and Borderland Keep
Fat Goblin Games: Feyborn and Open Gaming Monthly #1
Gun Metal Games: The Yaurcoan Empire
Jess Hartley: Conventions for the Aspiring Game Professional
Kobold Pres: Tyman's Taunting Tower and Alleys of Zobeck
Little Red Goblin Games: Tome of Leaf & Thorn (ranger redesign)
LPJ Design: Enemies of NeoExodus: First Ones and Enemies of NeoExodus: Folding Circle
Monica Valentinelli: "My Compliments to the Tailor" story
Rite Publishing: A Witch's Choice (AE) part 1 of Rituals of Choice adventure path, The Secrets of the Luckbringer, 101 New Skill Uses, Adventure Quarterly #1, #30 Haunts for Houses, Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Belladonna, the Face of Love Unrequited
Sub Rosa Ars Magica fanzine issues 8-10
Total Party Kill Games: More Malcontent

That's amazing value, AND it helps out some great people. All the folk who have contributed products to this recognise the value too - advertising and exposure for their products, and for their generosity and goodwill.

By all means throw some money in and get a bundle of cool stuff - when I pledged there was possibly half what is on offer now and I fully expect more in coming days...

Oh, and as for generosity ONE person (who remains anonymous) threw in $750. O.o


Leg o' Lamb wrote:

Since I appear to be in the minority here, Ms Stiles, Ms Hamon, I wish you luck on yer endeavors. If you succeed I would be more than happy to congratulate you at either Paizo or GenCon as I will be at both.

Again, I wish you success.

Thank you much. :)


For a $25 donation, you get 39 pdfs valued at over $204!

Scarab Sages Contributor

Thank you all so much for your support, and thank you to the wonderful publishers who have supported us! We appreciate it so much!


The $25 deall just keeps getting sweeter.

Shane Hensley of Pinnacle just added Pirates of the Spanish Main to the pdf bundle! Heck, the pdf alone sells for $24.99, but contributing just $25 to our cause gets you over 40 pdfs valued at $235. How can you pass up such a deal?

et Industry Pros to GenCon.

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