Rules Question Merciful Healer Cleric and channeling holy energy

Rules Questions

I'm making a level 15 Merciful Healer Cleric for a campaign in which my last character died in. At level 8 the Merciful Healer gets the ability "True Healing" which states that when a Cleric channels "Holy Energy" he/she gets to add either the stuff from Merciful Healing or reroll all 1's when healing.

What I would like to know is what is this "Holy Energy" that this Cleric archetype says can be channeled because I've looked at the variant channeling in UM and it doesn't say anything about channeling "Holy Energy". Do Positive Energy channeling Clerics just have an innate ability to channel "Holy Energy" or does it just mean Positive Energy?

Zotsune wrote:
What I would like to know is what is this "Holy Energy" that this Cleric archetype says can be channeled

It's probably referring to the Channel Energy (Su) class feature.

So Holy Energy is synonamous with Positive Energy?

Zotsune wrote:
So Holy Energy is synonamous with Positive Energy?

When the Merciful Healer archetype True Healer (Su) class feature says "when a merciful healer channels holy energy" it's probably referring to using the Channel Energy (Su) class feature.

And channel energy says nothing about being able to channel Holy Energy not even in the variant channeling rules does it have holy energy so why does this one thing say holy energy when everything about channel energy doshte even have that as an option?

Zotsune wrote:
why does this one thing say holy energy

You would have to ask whoever wrote it. It's probably just fluff text, since most clerics gain their power from a deity, and in order to channel positive energy you can't have an evil deity, so calling it holy isn't really much of a stretch.

Grick wrote:
Zotsune wrote:
why does this one thing say holy energy

You would have to ask whoever wrote it. It's probably just fluff text, since most clerics gain their power from a deity, and in order to channel positive energy you can't have an evil deity, so calling it holy isn't really much of a stretch.

Hence why this is in rules questions...

Zotsune wrote:
Hence why this is in rules questions...

And when the written rules are unclear, interpretation must be made.

The variant Wounds and Vigor system Healing Spells and Effects section uses the phrase "channeling holy energy" on living creatures as an example of an ability with a healing effect. It's reasonable to assume the similar phrase in True Healer is referring to the same thing, channeling positive energy to heal the living.

Alternately, you can assume that's not what it means, and say that the True Healer ability does nothing at all, ever, for anyone, because there's no "holy energy" ability to trigger it.

I think it seems pretty obvious what it is supposed to do, but if you're still in doubt, feel free to click the FAQ button for an official response.

You may want to rephrase your question into something that is simple and clear and easy to answer for a better chance at a response. Something like this:

"When the Merciful Healer cleric archetype ability True Healer (Su) refers to "holy energy" is it referring to using the Channel Energy (Su) class feature to channel positive energy to heal the living?"

My interpretation: They use the phrase "holy energy" to indicate that the bonus only applies to your basic positive energy from channeling, and not to (say) channeling elemental energy (should you have gained that ability through some means).

Thank you for your responses and sorry I was being a little bit difficult with what I wanted to hear.

I was thinking it was like the second paragraph (Grick) as RAW unless you use the wounds and vigor system (which my group doesn't).

So switch out "Holy" with "Positive" and only apply it to channel energy, got it.

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