I've Met Your Son And I'm Pretty Sure He Could Be Replaced By A Hammer

Off-Topic Discussions

My 12-year-old wants to know what career would prevent him from being replace by a robot.

I'm thinking Game designer.

Anything that requires intuitive thought. Writing, storytelling, game designer, artist, et cetera.

This thread fascinates.

The Exchange

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male stripper.

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Robot mechanic, it's a growth industry!

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

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Leader of the human resistance.

Thats kinda of a really depressing question from a 12 year old.

Anything that requires complex intuitive skills and advanced communication. Once those jobs get replaced, well, jobs aren't in the same ballpark anymore. Leadership and enterprise will be protected by ownership structures. Anything that focuses on human-machine-interactions. Harsh truth... but replacing jobs with machines will be a human driven activity for a good long while.

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It was funnier when Scott Adams did it.

Doug's Workshop wrote:


It was funnier when Scott Adams did it.

Well played, sir. Well played.

Perhaps the robots could use him as furniture?

Engineering degree. Even robotic overlords of humanity needs maintenance.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Lord Snow wrote:
male stripper.

I am pretty sure that robots can replace that profession. They may even be better at it too.

Head chef at a five star restaurant.

Caregiver for the developmentally disabled.

Zoo keeper.

Xtream sports star.

Silver Crusade


CalebTGordan wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:
male stripper.
I am pretty sure that robots can replace that profession. They may even be better at it too.

As a gay guy, I'd have to disagree. Unless they're extremely humanoid, like Arnold in Terminator. Of course that comes with a whole slew of other problems, but yea.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
CalebTGordan wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:
male stripper.
I am pretty sure that robots can replace that profession. They may even be better at it too.
As a gay guy, I'd have to disagree. Unless they're extremely humanoid, like Arnold in Terminator. Of course that comes with a whole slew of other problems, but yea.

sexy robotz vid:2636845

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
CalebTGordan wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:
male stripper.
I am pretty sure that robots can replace that profession. They may even be better at it too.
As a gay guy, I'd have to disagree. Unless they're extremely humanoid, like Arnold in Terminator. Of course that comes with a whole slew of other problems, but yea.

I didn't say this would be soon. Certainly in our lifetime.

Problem: Every teenage boy in the country wants to become a game designer. The industry is not exactly hurting for staff.

Liberty's Edge




Target Practice

Plot device for the resistance

Father for the leader of the resistance.

Calybos1 wrote:

Problem: Every teenage boy in the country wants to become a game designer. The industry is not exactly hurting for staff.

It's true, but I doubt most teenage boys know what that means. I don't even think I did, and I entertained such dreams more than most (went to school for it). If you're genuinely good at it, there's a place in the industry for game designers, though likely as an entrepreneur and independent developer.

Lab Rats for Our Robot Overloads....

Entertainment for Our Robot Overloads....

Batteries...hey if worked in the Matrix....

John Kretzer wrote:
Thats kinda of a really depressing question from a 12 year old.

Depressing but perhaps appropriate.

Liberty's Edge

Nearly anything in the medical field.

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Better to hear it from a twelve-year-old than a thirty-something, really.

Irranshalee wrote:
Nearly anything in the medical field.

I bet within our lifetime surgeons will be robotic. We are already using robots to perform the surgery. All we need is the visual recognition programing.

A recent poll of doctors found they would prefer robot to human assistants.

"Career" in game design is... well. I mean, sometimes, but.

For the vast majority of game designers, it's a second job, is all.

If you don't want to be replaced by a robot, be the one who maintains the robots.

Scarab Sages

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Evil Lincoln wrote:
If you don't want to be replaced by a robot, be the one who maintains the robots.

How much longer until we have robotic mechanics?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Robots building robots!

Silver Crusade

Once the robots can repair themselves, that is when they decide they do not need us anymore.

Dark Archive


Did anybody say Robot Maker yet?

Politician. They aren't letting anyone replace them.

Lawyers. See above.

Doctor. (disagree that surgery will ever be completely automated. Too much of the human body remains unknown and crap can and WILL go wrong and then the robot just lets you bleed out. No thanks!)

They may be able to someday go through the motions to make a note play the note its supposed to but without heart and imagination they'll never be able to bring the music to life.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Jail House Rock wrote:

My 12-year-old wants to know what career would prevent him from being replace by a robot.

I'm thinking Game designer.

Sorry... try again!

Well, when the robots determine that something has to be done with several trillion heat sources that spend too much time infighting, The Matrix offered a ... solution ... of sorts.


Selgard wrote:

Politician. They aren't letting anyone replace them.

Lawyers. See above.

Doctor. (disagree that surgery will ever be completely automated. Too much of the human body remains unknown and crap can and WILL go wrong and then the robot just lets you bleed out. No thanks!)

They may be able to someday go through the motions to make a note play the note its supposed to but without heart and imagination they'll never be able to bring the music to life.


Using today's technology, a robot surgeon has better sensors, better dexderity, and access to more information about your health. The only thing we are really missing is the programing. Visual recognition is already being used to diagnose diseases because it can detect smaller errors.

I also disagree with you on music. Some of the modern algorithms can already produce music people can't distinguish from human made. It may be true of live performances, but not of

How about Starship Captain?

There are some professions that demand more then the superior intellect and perfect calculations of a Vulcan.

...Although, it was never really explained why...

Also, hammers are really useful, so, that is a pretty high bar!

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For a good long while, it is going to be a rare patient who wants to talk about their worries, uncertainties and hopes with a robot. Same with lawyers, politicians, clrrgymen, police. Engineer is a different ball game. Salesperson would be pretty safe, though.

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