
Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

I've a question on monks and their armor class. Do they get dex to their ac or is it replaced by wisdom or do they get dex and wisdom added to their ac?

Rules questions should be posted in the rules forum, not the Pathfinder Society forum.

Silver Crusade

OOp!! Sorry. I'll go there. How do I delete posts?

Silver Crusade

I'm in the right place to post a question about rules.

Pathfinder Society® General Discussion Pathfinder Society®
Talk about Pathfinder Society rules, factions, character creation, and player-based game play experience.

Some people don't like rules questions in the pathfinder section since there is a rules section of the general boards. I think not answering your easy question and telling you to go elsewhere is kinda rude.

Anyway, as a monk you add both your dex (like normal) and your wisdom modifier to your AC, as long as you don't wear armor or carry a shield.
The wisdom mod sticks around even when flatfooted and what-not.

Any other monk questions?

Silver Crusade

I wanted to make sure on this because I heard they only got their wisdom and that their wisdom mod replaced the dex mod but I'm glad they get both. You know what book that is in?

It is in the Core Rule Book, in the Class Features of the Monk section, under AC Bonus.

If this was a replacement effect it would explicitly state "instead" or similar language.

poundpuppy30 wrote:

I'm in the right place to post a question about rules.

Pathfinder Society® General Discussion Pathfinder Society®
Talk about Pathfinder Society rules, factions, character creation, and player-based game play experience.

But this isn't a Pathfinder Society rule, this is a general system rule. PFS uses core rules unless otherwise stated. Questions about how the Monk works go to the Rules forum.

Silver Crusade

Where is the rule forum?

Paizo / Messageboards / Paizo Publishing / Pathfinder® / Pathfinder RPG / Rules Questions

(This thread is now in it.)

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