Uktabi |

Some people don't like rules questions in the pathfinder section since there is a rules section of the general boards. I think not answering your easy question and telling you to go elsewhere is kinda rude.
Anyway, as a monk you add both your dex (like normal) and your wisdom modifier to your AC, as long as you don't wear armor or carry a shield.
The wisdom mod sticks around even when flatfooted and what-not.
Any other monk questions?

Patrick Harris @ SD |

I'm in the right place to post a question about rules.
Pathfinder Society® General Discussion Pathfinder Society®
Talk about Pathfinder Society rules, factions, character creation, and player-based game play experience.
But this isn't a Pathfinder Society rule, this is a general system rule. PFS uses core rules unless otherwise stated. Questions about how the Monk works go to the Rules forum.