BluePigeon |

Games - Pathfinder, playing or reading, GURPs, Dungeons and Dragons Third Edition Revised, Forgotten Realms - 1st through 3rd editions, Greyhawk, First and Second Editions Dungeons and Dragons, Gamma World (Old School), OSRIC, Frog God Games, and Star Wars (West End Games Editions), d6 games, and I'm addicted hopelessly to Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Comics - Any thing written by Geoff Johns, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Earth 2, Thanos, Anything written by Brian Michael Bendis, Garth Ennis (I love historical fiction), Mark Millar, Star Wars (Ala Dark Horse), Conan, Red Sonja, and anything that tickles my fancy with a good cover.
Computers - then how do you post on the Paizo forums.
Et cetera (etc.)
Et cetera, usually abbreviated etc., comes from the Latin et, meaning and, and cetera, meaning the rest. So et cetera literally means and the rest.
Questions, I have a day again. Driver for a Las Vegas Taxi cab company and I'm on the road for nearly 12 hours.

BluePigeon |

So did you try Star Wars D20? Or Saga? What did you think?
Also what is OSRIC? I might be just mind blanking on it but I don't recognize it.
Also I have Ask me question thread also....you could come over and ask me questions there...it gets lonely.
I use the character rces in two separate books to add exotic flavor and what not to classic campaign settings like Rodian rangers/Assassins or Twi'lek Sorcerers and Hutt High-Clerics.
Star Wars d20 didn't have the cinematic oomph that d6 had and Saga was pretty much built using the d20 Modern rules game. I have Modern d20 and like the content but that about it.
For OSRIC, look here. It's original old school Dungeons anf Dragons, pre-first edition.
I need to know where your thread is on the Paizo boards, perhaps a link or two could help.

BluePigeon |

Will you see the error of your ways and repent?
Failure is never seen as failure but as a learning experience. Thus seeing the error of my ways never hinders my ability to adapt and learn from my mistakes.
What is that...?
Is it the new cologne fragrance from Quebec.

John Kretzer |

I need to know where your thread is on the Paizo boards, perhaps a link or two could help.
Link: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2ppra?Ask-John-Kretzer-ALL-your-question-here#3 0
While I liked D20 Star Wars I agree D6 better represented the movies it seemed. I never got to play Saga though...my Star Wars GM did not like it at all.
So do you have a favorite game?