Need advice on getting info on forgotten realms

Carrion Crown

Ok so I am a brand new GM, only been doing it for bout a couple of Weeks. Lots of mistakes have happened and rules have been changed BC I misinterpreted them wrong.
U live and u learn.

The thing is, im starting Carrion Crown soon in about a month. The thing is I no almost nothing about thw forgotten realms and the countrys surrounding the country in carrion crown.
Now is there a book that explains and shows the surroumd countrys and even the one thats in carrion crown? Does anyone no of a map of forgotten realms.

The reason is is im trying to go all out for this one and I got pretty much everybody from a different land and I the GM wanted to no more about the counteys and culture so I canvhelp shape their charecters backgrounds and how they act/behave and also so it can help me for future

Lantern Lodge

Carrion Crown takes place in Golarion, not Faerun (Forgotten Realms)

Inner Sea Primer review

Inner Sea World Guide

But if you WANT to put it in Forgotten Realms, check out Carrion Crown - Playing in Forgotten Realms

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't believe Carrion Crown is in the Forgotten Realms - it's in Golarion. Plenty of maps around here for that place...

You could try the forgotten realms wiki. They have a LOT of info on the forgotten realms.


Here you go. I would look up SPECIFICALLY carrion hill for crap surrounding it.

Faerun (FR) is not the same thing as Golarion (Pathfinder).

U live and u learn LOL. This whole time I thought it was forgotten realms BC the peraon who got me started said pathfinder was in forgotten realms.
Thank yal so much. now I no why there wasnt much forgotten realm stuff lol

Hey Redneck,

As stated above The Forgotten Realms is a 3.5 Wizards of the Coast world.

The Pathfinder Universe is called Golarion. If you search the forums you can find maps, forums ect.

Good luck! Carrion Crown rocks!

reading thru the material, yes I am highly impreased and very excited! Wish I was actually playing instead of running it, but eh comes with territory of being the only dm u no of who plays pathfinder lol.
Btw the book that was linked, it does come with a map u can take out of the book correct?

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