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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Selene Spires wrote:
So anymore questions for me?


Selene Spires wrote:
I finished my initial read thru of APG. It is okay...it expands option somewhat. They continued with the things I liked about 2nd ed.... but also continued with the things I didn't like.

So, in your opinion, does it help enough to overcome the "illusion of options" problem you had with the original system?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:
So anymore questions for me?


Selene Spires wrote:
I finished my initial read thru of APG. It is okay...it expands option somewhat. They continued with the things I liked about 2nd ed.... but also continued with the things I didn't like.
So, in your opinion, does it help enough to overcome the "illusion of options" problem you had with the original system?

It does in small drawn out way...It is still there but you have slightly more options.

Also for your AC, saves, save DCs, 'To hit Bonus'....

They are all going to be equal in the end no matter what options you choose....so in a odd kind of way it is liberating.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So anymore questions for me?

I am Doing okay. Going to track down the full time supervisor this week and remind him of what he told me several months ago and see if I can get that promotion or is he going to tell me more lies.

Silver Crusade

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What type of cookies do you like?

And good luck!

Rysky wrote:

What type of cookies do you like?

And good luck!

Chocolate Chip Cookies, Various brands/kinds, and

Stella D'oro Swiss Fudge Cookies.

As for my supervisor he avoided my area all day today.

Liberty's Edge

Is it possible to have the illusion o free will without really having free will?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Is it possible to have free will and be unable to perceive it?

Theconiel wrote:
Is it possible to have the illusion o free will without really having free will?

Yes, people are great at self-deception. People like to think their decisions are based on free will so rationalize their decisions are based on their own feelings and not imposed on them by a outside source.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Is it possible to have free will and be unable to perceive it?

Yes again people a great at self-deception. It it fits your own narrative that you are a victim or if your decisions turn out badly people will find something to blame.

On the topic of free will, which I find interesting,

I believe we are born with free will...and we surrender it to various sources as we grow up. To society, political parties, religion, etc.

We do this to avoid responsibility for our actions, to justified our actions, and in the end it is easier.

Also these forces seek to usurp our free will as it makes us easier to control.

Personally I try to hold on to my free will as much as possible. As I feel it is the only way to live a true life.

(At least that is how I veiw things...I welcome hearing about other veiw points and beliefs)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Selene Spires wrote:

On the topic of free will, which I find interesting,

I believe we are born with free will...

I don't agree. Like many things in life, free will must be earned. That's why I like the Rush song that I linked.

One must choose free will. And, that is not as easy as it sounds.

For example, when you realized that your "gender assigned at birth" was incorrect, you still had to choose to become a woman.

It would have been all too easy, and yet very difficult, to keep going as you had been up to that point, as John Kretzer. I would certainly have simplified your living/work situation.

Out two PoV on free will I don't think are far apart.

Choosing to have Free will entails that you have Free will to choose.

I think our choices rather we know it or not, costs us free will...or reaffirms it.

Work Update: Good news Bad news on the promotion front. I don't have to deal with the lying guy to get it....He got transferred to a different area. The bad news when I asked the new guy in my area the response was, "I will keep you in mind when a position opens up."

Which from the 'lying guy' would probably have me giving my two weeks notice today. The problem is I don't know this guy so I have no ideal what is word is worth.

Otherwise physically I am a wreck...my knee and shoulder are killing me.
I don't know how long I can keep pushing it till something gives.

I am in a very lonely, dark, and frustrating place right now. (Not even close to suicidal...I would never. Can't let the basterds win.)

I will be okay....I don't think I know what to do with myself in being loved, light, calming place. ;)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Have you heard of Bikini Warriors?

I'm not a huge fan of the costume for Paladin and (especially) Dark Elf. Yes, those are their in character names.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:

Have you heard of Bikini Warriors?

I'm not a huge fan of the costume for Paladin and (especially) Dark Elf. Yes, those are their in character names.

You spend a lot of time searching the internet for bikini armor don't you? ;)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Selene Spires wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:

Have you heard of Bikini Warriors?

I'm not a huge fan of the costume for Paladin and (especially) Dark Elf. Yes, those are their in character names.

You spend a lot of time searching the internet for bikini armor don't you? ;)

Technically no. Otherwise, I would have found this a lot sooner.

And after your last posting about your job situation, sending you things that are funny is good.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:

Have you heard of Bikini Warriors?

I'm not a huge fan of the costume for Paladin and (especially) Dark Elf. Yes, those are their in character names.

You spend a lot of time searching the internet for bikini armor don't you? ;)

Technically no. Otherwise, I would have found this a lot sooner.

And after your last posting about your job situation, sending you things that are funny is good.

Yes...funny is good.

And I was kidding also in my remark.

So anymore questions for me?

Silver Crusade

Favourite types of devils?

(going off the logic that they aren't all male)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

Favourite types of devils?

(going off the logic that they aren't all male)

Erinyes and Handmaiden

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Now that we have official rules for Tieflings, have you created one yet?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Who says that murder's not an art?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
Now that we have official rules for Tieflings, have you created one yet?

If I ever get to play I am making a Tiefling Swashbuckler.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
Who says that murder's not an art?

Ah great movie...despite Rene Zwelenger(sp?)

I just don't like her.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Selene Spires wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Who says that murder's not an art?
Ah great movie...despite Rene Zwelenger(sp?)

Actually I do like Renée Zellweger, but this is one where we can easily agree to disagree.

Did you know that Catherine Zeta-Jones was offered Roxie? She instead wanted Velma Kelly, because she was in the early stage of pregnancy (Carys Zeta Douglas) at the time - this allowed all her dance numbers to be recorded ahead of time. The draping Prison Uniform could cover her baby bump when it was starting to show.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Who says that murder's not an art?
Ah great movie...despite Rene Zwelenger(sp?)

Actually I do like Renée Zellweger, but this is one where we can easily agree to disagree.

Did you know that Catherine Zeta-Jones was offered Roxie? She instead wanted Velma Kelly, because she was in the early stage of pregnancy (Carys Zeta Douglas) at the time - this allowed all her dance numbers to be recorded ahead of time. The draping Prison Uniform could cover her baby bump when it was starting to show.

It is all right I can't explain why I dislike her...I just do.

And I didn't know that.

So anymore questions for me?

Been a slow work week so far.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Selene Spires wrote:

So anymore questions for me?

Been a slow work week so far.

This close to Christmas?

Lord Fyre wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:

So anymore questions for me?

Been a slow work week so far.

This close to Christmas?

Actually it has been normal for this time of year...normally.

But it has not been normal this year so it is slow this week than what it has been.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

What's a Gazebo?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Lord Fyre wrote:
What's a Gazebo?

Possibly a Spawn of Rovagug?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
What's a Gazebo?

It is a monster of such great renown and horror a GM's mere mention of it in box text inspires such fear in the PCs that the entire party novas on it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
What's a Gazebo?
Possibly a Spawn of Rovagug?

If only it was that weak...even Rovagug fears a Gazebo.

Golarion was just a giant gazebo to contain Rovagug?!

So... Golarion is missing in the future (Starfinder) because either it was eaten by miniature giant space termites or it burned down in some parent deities' gender reveal party for their new kid.

Hey, what would you say to the announcement of Legendary Games "forking the kernel" with Pathfinder 1.5 Corefinder? It's still really early yet, but does this sound more interesting to you than Pathfinder 2ed?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

More serious question ...

Do you have any thoughts on how to include non-combat events into RPG games without boring the players?

Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:

Golarion was just a giant gazebo to contain Rovagug?!

So... Golarion is missing in the future (Starfinder) because either it was eaten by miniature giant space termites or it burned down in some parent deities' gender reveal party for their new kid.

Hey, what would you say to the announcement of Legendary Games "forking the kernel" with Pathfinder 1.5 Corefinder? It's still really early yet, but does this sound more interesting to you than Pathfinder 2ed?

It looks interesting will have to follow what the do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:

More serious question ...

Do you have any thoughts on how to include non-combat events into RPG games without boring the players?

I just include them...people RP...Maybe roll skills as necessary. People have fun not bored.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

In relation to the above in about 4 Wed from now I will be running a ball in PF2E.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Selene Spires wrote:
In relation to the above in about 4 Wed from now I will be running a ball in PF2E.

Let us know if your players have a ball. ;)

Lord Fyre wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:
In relation to the above in about 4 Wed from now I will be running a ball in PF2E.
Let us know if your players have a ball. ;)

I will.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So anymore questions for me?

In work news...I got transferred to a different area away from the stress inducing guy to a area with a more chill supervisor. Hopefully it will work out.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Do you know if any UHF stations are still operating?

Lord Fyre wrote:
Do you know if any UHF stations are still operating?

I have no idea...I don't even know how I would access UHF channels with modern TVs.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Selene Spires wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Do you know if any UHF stations are still operating?
I have no idea...I don't even know how I would access UHF channels with modern TVs.

But ... They've got it all!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
Selene Spires wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Do you know if any UHF stations are still operating?
I have no idea...I don't even know how I would access UHF channels with modern TVs.
But ... They've got it all!!

I know.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So anymore questions for me?

The weather is finally getting nice...my knee is getting better.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Favourite place to get pizza?

Rysky wrote:


Favourite place to get pizza?

My favorite place is unfortunately a casualty of Corvid and closed down. :(

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

:( *offers hugs*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So this is my life...

Yesterday as I was unloading a truck with unstable walls a box fell and hit my good knee....So now that hurts. It is really hard to limp when both legs are compromised.

Now this is why I get so frustrated at work. The accident was completely avoidable if the people in charge just listen to me. It was a mixed load of regular packages and irregular packages. The best and safest way to handle those trucks is to put two unloaders in them so that one can unload and the other can pick off the irregulars. And more importantly you can have one of the corners doing the slide(for the irregulars) and the other sorting the regular packages.

The only reason I got hurt is because since I was alone in this truck and I needed my sorter doing the slide I needed to stack the regulars to the sides...So when the wall collapsed I had no where to go and fell onto the regulars than the 70lb.+ Irregular landed on my knee.

Major problem is they are hiring supervisors who are ass kissers 'Yes Sir!' Types who lie and blame the employees to cover their asses...instead of people who are smart and can fix problems.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Selene Spires wrote:
Now this is why I get so frustrated at work. The accident was completely avoidable if the people in charge just listen to me. It was a mixed load of regular packages and irregular packages. The best and safest way to handle those trucks is to put two unloaders in them so that one can unload and the other can pick off the irregulars. And more importantly you can have one of the corners doing the slide(for the irregulars) and the other sorting the regular packages.

... not to mention someone who could have helped right away.

Selene Spires wrote:
Major problem is they are hiring supervisors who are ass kissers 'Yes Sir!' Types who lie and blame the employees to cover their asses...instead of people who are smart and can fix problems.

Problem is that any large corporation (including the Government) gets this way as people are put in charge who have no (or very little) experience with the work. :(

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