Starting a Campaign, some words of wisdom?


I've DM'd several games in the past of 4th Edition, CoC, and Mouse Guard but Pathfinder is a whole new ball game, and the kind I like. I'm just a tad worried about getting something drastically wrong. We're doing the new Wintry Adventure path and my party looks ready to roll, any advice for the basics?

They've never played Pathfinder before and I have very little GM'n experience with it.

Another useful tidbit, would you guys happen to know of any good Podcasts/Videos of Pathfinder play? These helped me learn how to play and DM my first games of other RPGs.

Maybe this thread can be of some use to you: res#4

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Best advice I can offer (and you probably already realize this having DM'd games in the past) is to have fun. You, your players, everyone, should be having a great time playing. Rule 0.

Here's a link to a youtube series about getting started in pathfinder, hope it helps:

Scarab Sages

My advice is to have fun learning the rules with your players. You all are novices to PF, so there will be slip ups and gaffes. Roll with it, and enjoy it.

You're making the right signs that you're going to be a great Pathfinder GM if you're willing to do this much prep work. Also your experience in a variety of systems with different "table feel" will serve you well. I wish I was going to sit at your table, sir!

Pathfinder seems to be your first general-purpose system, though. It can be crunchy and tactical like 4th Edition, or carry heavy atmosphere like CoC, or support really good stories like Mouse Guard. Therein lies its strength: If you GM in a way that balances the three, I think you'll have a really great campaign.

Another piece of advice: I would limit your first campaign to the Core Rulebook at least for the first few months. Pathfinder has a deep stable of build options, feats, classes, and spells nowadays. They sometimes have strange interactions and unexpected implications, much moreso than 4th Edition. You're probably going to have to adjudicate more crufty rules-text than you're used to, so be ready to make judgement calls.

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