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"I know I'm not of this faction, but I have been listening." the gold scaled cleric says. "However I just have to state my two coppers here. If gold dragons ruled everything, then we wouldn't have these problems."
Cause that nutter out running hermea is doing such a great job of repressing he's own people he'd be great for repressing everyone else? Oh hell no. No one has the right to tell someone else who they're allowed to mate with.

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Hoppy stares at the gold-skinned cleric briefly. No emotion betrayed by his clouded blue eyes. "Auranix, you really don't have to put your two cents in. They and the fascist reign of dragons of any hue are simply not welcome! This conversation is for those who are loyal to Andoran or freedom. If you are loyal to neither, perhaps you should move on."
The gnome takes another deep pull from his tankard as he wanders toward Jade. "The question we face is a simple one -- where are our loyalties? I personally couldn't care less who Coulson bedded. He's a grown man and, as long as everyone else involved was also of age and willing, good for him. If the person he wanted put down was a blackmailer, then good riddance! Blackmail is just another form of slavery. God knows I've killed for the Decimvirate for poorer reasons."
Hoppy looks around the room and says, "The real question is: Do we work with the Andoran aristocrats who weaseled their way into power or do we seek to overthrow all forms of tyranny, including the oligarchs who daily erode all that Andoran once stood for?"

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Auranix Suncaller wrote:"I know I'm not of this faction, but I have been listening." the gold scaled cleric says. "However I just have to state my two coppers here. If gold dragons ruled everything, then we wouldn't have these problems."Cause that nutter out running hermea is doing such a great job of repressing he's own people he'd be great for repressing everyone else? Oh hell no. No one has the right to tell someone else who they're allowed to mate with.
"That right there's why the Major sends his missives to you lot," chimes in an aasimar male wearing a battered breastplate and a prominently displayed wayfinder. "Chaps are tellin' him not to go on delves with these lasses, and he responds by shippin' off his agents to silence the reprimandiers. He's simply enforcin' his own freedom to mate. Liberty's edge cuts in all directions," the man trails off as he draws his finger around his wayfinder, as if to indicate said directions of the cut of liberty's edge.

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"Dreng? That old... bat." The female aasimar changes her word at the last second. "He's cost me many good night's sleep because he thought three hours before cockcrow was a good time to wake a sleeper." Her eyes narrow.
"However, his missions have always been more or less worthy. And have not involved covering up some scandal that he caused because he couldn't keep it in his pants for more than ten seconds." She pauses, as if thinking about something, then mumbles inaudibly in celestial. Whatever she said it likely wasn't very flattering.

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"Dreng? That old... bat." The female aasimar changes her word at the last second. "He's cost me many good night's sleep because he thought three hours before cockcrow was a good time to wake a sleeper." Her eyes narrow.
"However, his missions have always been more or less worthy. And have not involved covering up some scandal that he caused because he couldn't keep it in his pants for more than ten seconds." She pauses, as if thinking about something, then mumbles inaudibly in celestial. Whatever she said it likely wasn't very flattering.
Of course it did. You don't think he wanted all of those mummies dead because of some paltry jade scarab did you? He needed to keep his youthful indiscretions out of the chronicles!

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I think we need to prioritize a bit. Yes, a forming new nobility is a bad thing, but cheliax is far, far worse and should be our first priority.
My parents never said this, but I firmly believe it and I'm sure they would as well.
"Revolution begins at home." We can't bring freedom to others if we accept chains ourselves.

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Telgarana wrote:There's an old tengu saying: don't put all your eggs in one basket. If we hinge all our plans on one nation we're one invasion or take over away from seeing the grand experiment die.
"Revolution begins at home." We can't bring freedom to others if we accept chains ourselves.
I wouldn't expect a foreigner to understand that a Free Andoran IS the cornerstone to that experiment. Most of us are Andoran-born and we can be forgiven for wanting to put our own country's freedom on a somewhat high priority.

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It was selling themselves to devils that made Cheliax what it is today. Selling ourselves to this new aristocracy would do this to Andoran. And again it does no good to promote freedom abroad while ignoring the snakes at your back.
The gravest mistake that a Revoultionary can make is to imagine that the Revolution can ever be over.

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It was selling themselves to devils that made Cheliax what it is today. Selling ourselves to this new aristocracy would do this to Andoran. And again it does no good to promote freedom abroad while ignoring the snakes at your back.
The gravest mistake that a Revoultionary can make is to imagine that the Revolution can ever be over.
So? If it can never be over you're going to sit in one place endlessly grinding the same wheat. You did what you could, time to take the show on the road.

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Telgarana wrote:So? If it can never be over you're going to sit in one place endlessly grinding the same wheat. You did what you could, time to take the show on the road.It was selling themselves to devils that made Cheliax what it is today. Selling ourselves to this new aristocracy would do this to Andoran. And again it does no good to promote freedom abroad while ignoring the snakes at your back.
The gravest mistake that a Revoultionary can make is to imagine that the Revolution can ever be over.
Leave? The job's not done yet. I must make up for the time I've wasted serving that sorry excuse for a faction leader. I'll move when and where the Open Road takes me, but I'l l not leave a mission undone.

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The Chelaxian(race) looking tiefling tilts his head. "You preach a lot don't you?" He chuckles. "My father, well adoptive father, is out on the seas fighting slavers, and letting them enjoy the accommodations they wished to leave the slaves in... if they're smart they can get out before the ship sinks." He smiles, showing pointed teeth and flexes his wings slightly.
He's rather tall, his grand sweeping horns make him seem even taller.
"As for your argument. If we become too invested in country. We risk falling into the folly that Cheliax did, for we will do anything for our country, even things that should not be done. We become blinded to her flaws and stop improving her." He sweeps his tail along the floor slightly and tilts his head. "However... if we focus only on self. Then we'll become like the Scarni. They simply wish to look out for themselves, for number one only. They look for the next deal and move on."

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"Has anyone noticed that Major Colson and Lady Gloriana have become lately? Is there some plot going on? Will Andoran be drawn back into the Taldan Empire? I know some of us have relatives in Taldor. Some of us have Chelish relations. I would rather we remain apart from either."
Jaleel pauses to sip her ale. She openly appraises the tall tiefling.
"However, we already have an aristocracy in place. We elected them to office. Our representative senators. There are several that have served their terms of office and beyond. These senators are either privately wealthy or backed by wealthy businessmen. Those in power usually want to stay in power, and these hopefully few corrupt office holders are just waiting for the right moment to sell our country out from underneath us in exchange for their old noble titles and holdings. To which side, I'm not entirely sure."
"When the time comes, the Eagle Knights will be forced to choose sides, and I pray that we Knights come to the decision to defend the common people."

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The Tiefling grins, showing elongated canines. His eyes flick quickly over the female. "I will admit, when I see the good Major, even from a distance I can forgive all his flaws. I mean, he's got a very pleasing... face." The word seems to be swapped at the last second.
"I wish that I were one of his dalliances." Erkos chuckles softly. "Selling off the country, this is why I've preferred the sea. She's a deadly and harsh mistress. But at least she'll never sell you out for money. I'll continue to serve Arodan, but my home is the sea."

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"I respect the sea. I respect the sea so much I bought a necklace of adaptation. And numerous feather token boats. One of which I've FINALLY used as a boat."
"When I become a Seeker, one of the first things I'll do is arrange for the 'kidnapping' of Drandle Dreng. First to the bathhouse, then the barber, then a tailor. If the old rogue gets cleaned up and gets a night on the town, some of us adventurers might get a chance to sleep in!"